Introduction: Latitude and Longitude
Initial Publication Date: October 7, 2011

Students use GeoMapApp to understand the differences between 2-D map projections and the 3-D world, how places are located by latitude and longitude, units used to measure latitude and longitude, and how latitude and longitude values change as they move about the surface of the Earth.
Latitude and Longitude: Annotated Teacher Edition (Microsoft Word 325kB Oct6 11)
Latitude and Longitude: Student Handout (Microsoft Word 321kB Oct6 11)
Latitude and Longitude: Student Answer Sheet (Microsoft Word 81kB Oct6 11)
Latitude and Longitude: Learning Standards (Microsoft Word 78kB Oct6 11)
Latitude and Longitude: Quiz 1 (Acrobat (PDF) 368kB Oct6 11)
Latitude and Longitude: Quiz 2 (Acrobat (PDF) 850kB Oct6 11)