Introduction: Exploring Earth's Topography

Initial Publication Date: October 7, 2011
Topographic profile across the US and Atlantic Ocean
Students learn the basics of GeoMapApp, and then use it to create topographic profiles across both continental landscapes and the seafloor. Using those profiles, students visualize and calculate regional and local relief, and calculate and describe gradients (slopes).

Exploring Earth's Topography: Annotated Teacher Edition (Microsoft Word 372kB Oct7 11)
Exploring Earth's Topography: Student Handout (Microsoft Word 367kB Oct7 11)
Exploring Earth's Topography: Student Answer Sheet (Microsoft Word 79kB Oct7 11)
Exploring Earth's Topography: Learning Standards (Microsoft Word 79kB Oct7 11)
Exploring Earth's Topography: Quiz 1 (Acrobat (PDF) 510kB Oct7 11)