Initial Publication Date: June 26, 2012

Past Petrology Workshops

2011 Teaching Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry in the 21st Century

August 2011, University of Minnesota workshop explored best practices in teaching mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry in the context of modern advances in understanding Earth systems, analytical and field methods, and information technologies. This workshop builds on the success of previous workshops including the 1996 Teaching Mineralogy Workshop, the 2003 Teaching Petrology Workshop, and the 2005 and 2010 Teaching Geochemistry Workshops.
Petrology 2003 field trip

2003 Teaching Petrology Workshop

Summer of 2003, 75 faculty members met in southwest Montana to explore new methods of teaching igneous and metamorphic petrology. Highlights of the workshop were a 3-day field trip to the Stillwater Complex, the Beartooth Plateau and Yellowstone National Park, followed by 4 days of on-campus demonstrations, discussions and working group sessions. View the workshop program guide with the agenda and links to materials and presentations from the workshop.