2003 DAWG Participants

Initial Publication Date: March 21, 2007

Bob Arko - DAWG member
unable to attend - will participate
via telecon on November 17
Columbia University
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
61 Route 9W
Palisades, NY 10964
T: 845-365-8752; F: 845-365-8179
email: arko@ldeo.columbia.edu

Larry Kendall - DAWG member
Media Specialist & Curriculum Designer
The SAGUARO Project
University of Arizona
Department of Geosciences
1040 E Fourth Street, Room 906
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0077
T: 520-621-2661; F: 520-621-8364
Cell: 520-247-1994
email: lkendall@lpl.arizona.edu

Kate Beard - DAWG member
unable to attend - will participate
via telecon on November 17
University of Maine
Department of Spatial Information
Science and Engineering
Orono, ME 04469
T: 207-581-2147 ; F: 207-581-2206
email: beard@spatial.maine.edu

Joseph Kerski - DAWG member
unable to attend
Geographer: Education/GIS
US Geological Survey
Building 810 - Entrance W-5 - Room 3000
Box 25046 - MS 507
Denver, CO 80225-0046
T: 303-202-4315; F: 303-202-4137
email: jjkerski@usgs.gov
website: http://rockyweb.cr.usgs.gov/public/outreach/

Susan Buhr - meeting participant,
DLESE Evaluation Services representative
Director, Outreach Program
Cooperative Institute for Research
in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, CO 80309-0216
T: 303-492-5657; F: 303-492-1149
email: buhrs@cires.colorado.edu
website: http://cires.colorado.edu/~k12

Tamara Ledley - DLESE Data Services
representative; meeting participant
Senior Scientist
2067 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140
T: 617-873-9658; F: 617-349-3535
email: tamara_ledley@terc.edu
website: http://www.terc.edu/

Bruce Caron - DAWG member
Executive Director
The New Media Studio
2950 State Street, Suite C
Santa Barbara, California, 93105 USA
T: 805-687-3515 ; F: 805-687-7515
email: exdir@newmediastudio.org
W eb site: http://www.newmediastudio.org

Cathy Manduca - DAWG membership shared
with Sean Fox
Director, Science Education Resource Center
Carleton College
Northfield, MN 55057
T: 507-222-7096
email: cmanduca@carleton.edu
website: http://serc.carleton.edu

John Caron - DAWG member
Software Engineer
3300 Mitchell Lane
Boulder, CO 80301
T: 303-497-8652; F: 303-497-8690
email: caron@unidata.ucar.edu

Chuck Meertens - meeting participant; representative of the GEON and Earthscope communities
6350 Nautilus Drive
Boulder, CO 80301-5554
T: 303-371-7465; F: 303-381-7501
email: chuckm@unavco.org

LuAnn Dahlman - DLESE Data Services
representative; meeting participant
Curriculum Director
2067 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140
T: 480-357-8864; F: 480-984-8860
email: luAnn_Dahlman@TERC.edu
website: http://www.terc.edu/

Dave Mogk - DAWG member,
DLESE Community Services representative; meeting participant
Professor of Geology
Montana State University
Department of Earth Sciences
P.O. Box 173480
Bozeman, MT 59717
T: 406-994-6916; F: 406-994-6923
email: mogk@montana.edu

Ben Domenico - DLESE Data Services
representative; Interim DAWG Chair; meeting participant
Deputy Director
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307
T: 303-497-8631; F: 303-497-8690
email: ben@unidata.ucar.edu
website: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Paul Morin - DAWG member;
unable to attend
Public Outreach Teaching
University of Minnesota
Department of Geology & Geophysics
310 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
T: 612-626-0505; F: 612-625-3819
email: lpaul@umn.edu
website: http://www.d.umn.edu/

Jack Fellows - meeting participant;
Executive Director, DLESE Mgmt Council
Director, UCAR Office of Programs (UOP)
Vice President for Corporate Affairs
3300 Mitchell Lane
Boulder, CO 80301
T: 303-497-8655; F: 303-497-8638
email: jfellows@ucar.edu

Rajul Pandya - meeting participant
Director of Outreach
UCAR/DLESE Program Center (DPC)
3300 Mitchell Lane
Boulder, CO 80301
T: 303-497-2650; F: 303-497-8336
email: pandya@ucar.edu

Sean Fox - DAWG membership shared
with Cathy Manduca; unable to attend
Web Engineer
Carlton College
Science Education Resource Center (SERC)
One North College Street
Northfield, MN 55057
T: 507-222-4365; F: 507-222-5175
email: sfox@carleton.edu

Anupma Prakash - DAWG member
University of Alaska at Fairbanks Geophysical Institute
903 Koyukuk Drive
PO Box 757320
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320
T: 907-474-1897; F: 907-474-7290
email: prakash@gi.alaska.edu
website: http://www.gi.alaska.edu/~prakash

Katy Ginger - meeting participant
Metadata Architect, Meteorologist, Instructional Designer
UCAR/DLESE Program Center (DPC)
3300 Mitchell Lane
Boulder, CO 80301
T: 303-497-2656; F: 303-497-8336
email: ginger@ucar.edu

Bill Prothero - DAWG member
University of California, Santa Barbara
Department of Geological Sciences
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
T: 805-893-3308; F: 805-893-2314
email: prothero@magic.ucsb.edu

Ted Habermann - DAWG member
Geospatial Data Services Group Leader
NOAA, National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305-3328
T: 303-497-6472; F: 303-497-6513
email: Ted.Habermann@noaa.gov

Glenn Richard - DAWG member
unable to attend
Stony Brook University
Educational Coordinator
Mineral Physics Institute
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794
T: 631-632-8336; F: 631-632-8140
email: garichard@notes.cc.synysb.edu
website: http://www.sunysb.edu/

Greg Jané