2001 DAWG Outcomes

Initial Publication Date: March 21, 2007

Planning Meeting, Feb. 7-8, 2001

The group summarized its views on issues and current practices relating to integrated access to data.

A vision to a pathway (PowerPoint 18kB Feb2 07) for integrated access to data was developed.

A variety of approaches for making immediate progress were discussed.

For the August 2-4 DLESE Annual Meeting:
DAWG will develop An Earth Exploration Toolbook containing information on how existing products can be used to explore Earth data (Tamara Ledley in charge). This is a demonstration project involving integrated access to data sets spanning the Earth system. This involves four parts:

  • Identify widely used data sets or data sets of high educational interest that span the Earth system (Alex Moore in charge)
  • Challenge Cornell, Columbia, Web-mapping testbed, MetApps and others to enable access to these datasets through their tools (Rob Raskin will investigate tools for this)
  • Develop cross-disciplinary educational applications that use the above datasets and tools (Jim Hays in charge)
  • Build a learning resource start to finish using these datasets and tools at the annual meting (Tom Boyd in charge) (Alex Moore, Dave Simpson, and Jim Hays will develop a summary of this discussion)

Tamara Ledley and Alex Moore will make recommendations based on this work for the ways in which DAWG and data access and education use can be incorporated in the annual meeting program.

New connections were established between data providers, interface providers, and developers of education resources. Collaborative work by IRIS, Unidata, SDSC, and DODS will enable distributed access to seismologic, oceanographic, atmospheric and ecological data using the DODS protocols.

All participants will use the DLESE resource cataloger to enter information on the existing tools, web-resources, and projects that currently support integrated access to Earth data as a learning resource. In this way we can complile this information as a group.

All participants will encourage interested colleagues to join the Data tools list server as a place where we can exchange information about what we are doing and how to create integrated access to Earth data as a learning resource. Mary Marlino and Ben Domenico will organize a get-together for DAWG and Digital Earth at AGU to complement the DLESE/DE session. Participants are encouraged to participate and advertise the AGU session as a forum for exchanging information about ongoing efforts

Those submitting NSDL or other proposals relevant to integrated access to Earth data as a learning resource are encouraged to use the list-server as a forum for discussing plans and building bridges between efforts.


New Ways, in Java, of Visualizing the Same Old Data Presented at the Americal Geophysical Union (AGU) Conference, December 18, 2000 by Don Murray and Dave Fulker of Unidata.