Geobotany: Role in the Program
Page prepared for SERC by Amy Ellwein of the University of New Mexico.
A discussion of the design and implementation of a field-based geoscience content course serving pre-service teachers at the University of New Mexico, created by Amy Ellwein.
A description of this course and its goals is available.
What Role Does this Course Play in Teacher Preparation?
This course is offered through the Science Education Institute of the Southwest (SEIS) as a K-12 teacher professional development course for upper-level science credit through the University of New Mexico. Pre-service teachers also participate.
How do Students Integrate Learning & Teaching?
The reflective writing exercise allows participants to move from role of learner to role of teacher and back again.
How does the Course Transition Pre-service Teachers into the Classroom?
This course allows practicing and aspiring teachers to learn multidisciplinary field-based science using a combination of teaching methods (lecture, laboratory investigations, direct observation, guided-inquiry, and reflective writing). The reflective writing aspect forces teachers to take what they've learned and think deeply about how they will use the content and methods they've been exposed to with their future students.
How is the Course Content Aligned with the National Science Education Standards?
Earth and Life Science content and science process skills are aligned with the New Mexico and National Science Education Standards.
How does the Course Meet Certification Requirements?
It doesn't yet, except as an upper-level science course.