The goal of the standardized format of the activity sheet is to concisely communicate to other educators what the key elements of the activity are so that they can adapt the activity for their own environment; or perhaps use it as a source of inspiration and good ideas. An activity sheet will contain all the materials necessary to conduct the activity; student handouts, instructor notes, relevant web links, and bibliographic references.
After you submit this form you will be able to immediately view a page containing your materials and make changes to that page. You will receive instructions on how to do this once you have clicked on SUBMIT at the bottom of this form.
Choose a descriptive title that conveys the main focus of the unit. Titles should reflect both the science content and the teaching approach.
Name and institution of the unit's author(s), along with any other appropriate attribution information. If activities are based on other material, original sources should be cited and links provided.
Email addresses of the activity author(s) separated by commas. These will not be displayed in the activity page but are used for internal tracking.
This thumbnail sketch of your instructional unit should clearly state its content focus and the central questions that drive it. It should offer an overview of the activities students will do along with the intended aims. The summary must be concise, yet descriptive. It should offer readers a clear idea of the unit. Note the age group and type of setting the unit was designed for.
A small (200 pixels wide or less) image 'of' the activity to provide visual interest and immediate context. This could be an image of the 'output' of the activity or a photo of people engaged in the activity (or something similar). Not required.
e.g. 'Student Handout for Sauerkraut Assignment'
UnspecifiedJPEGGIFPNGWebPSVGMicrosoft WordMicrosoft Word 2007 (.docx)PowerPointPowerPoint 2007 (.pptx)PowerPoint Slideshow (.ppsx)ExcelExcel 2007 (.xlsx)Excel 2007 macro-enabled (.xlsm)Acrobat (PDF)Rich Text FileText FileComma Separated ValuesFlash VideoQuicktime VideoFlash MP4 VideoMP4 VideoFlash AnimationMP3 AudioM4A AudioPhotoshopIllustratorKMLFileKMZ FileZip Archivegzip ArchiveStuffit ArchiveDisk Image FileHTML FileEncapsulated PostscriptPostscriptTIFFJar ArchiveJava Web StartWebM VideoOgg VideoStella RuntimeStella Model (v9 .stm)Stella Model (v10 .stmx)XML fileShockWave Component (SWC)Matlab .MAT FileMatlab FileMATLAB Live ScriptMathematica NotebookMathematica CDF fileCogsketch WorksheetWebVTTJupyter NotebookcalendarR scriptUnknown BinaryThe system will attempt to determine the correct file type based on the name of the file you've selected. Choosing the correct file type here will override that.
e.g. 'student_handout'This will be the name of the downloaded file. By default the system will generate this based on the title you specified and the type of file. If you specify a name here it will over-ride the automatically generated name. This is generally only useful when uploading file of a type not recognized by the system (not in the list of file types above). In that situation choose File Type: Unknown Binary and include the appropriate suffix in the file name here. e.g. myfile.m3z Avoid spaces or special characters in the file names.
(You)Someone else -- Describe below.
A short description of where the material came from. Include names and institutions of authors and contributors as well as acknowledgment of any work from which this was derived.
The creator/copyright holder must have agreed to allow distribution of this file through this site. If you are the creator we strongly encourage you to select the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike option.
If none of the above licenses apply describe the conditions under which this material appears on this site as well as any information about reuse beyond this site.
Distributing information on the web generally requires the permission of the copyright holder--usually the original creator. Providing the information we request here will help visitors to this site understand the ways in which they may (legally) use what they find.
If you created this file (and haven't signed away your copyright) then we'd encourage you to select the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike option. You'll retain the copyright to your file and can do as you please with it in the future. Through this choice you are also explicitly allowing others to reuse that file as long as they give you attribution, and don't use it for commercial purposes.
If the file (or content within it) was created by others you'll need their permission. If it predates 1923 or was created by a U.S federal employee (as part of their job) it is likely in the public domain (and we can all do as we choose with it). The original author may also have explicitly stated how it may be reused (e.g. through a creative commons license). You can describe the licensing/reuse situation in the box above.
Without permission you should not upload the file. There are several options in this case:
The Stanford Copyright and Fair Use Center has more good information about copyright as it applies to academic settings.
What do you want students to understand and be able to do as a result of their participation? State these goals. Note the content understanding and inquiry processes that should develop, as well as the context in which this will occur.
This text should help an educator understand the types of teaching situations for which this activity is appropriate. Important types of context include educational level, class size, institution type, etc. Is it lab, lecture, or field exercise, or a longer project? How much time is needed for the activity? Is there special equipment that is necessary? Are there skills or concepts that students should have already mastered before encountering this activity? How is this activity situated in the course? How easy (or hard) would it be to adapt the activity for use in other settings?
Outline relevant background that provides the context for the unit. This may include a brief description of the scientific topics the unit addresses or pertinent historical information.
This section should include a narrative describing the mechanics of the activity and all the materials needed to implement the activity (or links and references to those materials).
If you upload files as part of your activity remember to consider their final use in deciding on appropriate formats. Materials that other faculty are likely to modify should be provided in easily editable formats (plain text, Word files), whereas materials that will be likely only used verbatim are most convenient in formats that are universally readable (PDF format is often a good choice).
Please be sure all materials you upload can be freely redistributed. For more information about copyright as it applies to materials you are sharing through this site please check our more detailed discussion (opens in a new window) of this issue.
In-Class Activities Step-by-step directions for the in-class activities planned.In-Class Activities File 1: Click here to select and describe a file Hide All uploaded files are public unless you are in a private workspaceTitle: A descriptive, human readable title. e.g. 'Student Handout for Sauerkraut Assignment'Select the file: Make sure it has an appropriate suffix (e.g. .doc) or specify the type in the Optional Fields below Description: A very brief description of the file.Show Optional Fields Hide File Type:UnspecifiedJPEGGIFPNGWebPSVGMicrosoft WordMicrosoft Word 2007 (.docx)PowerPointPowerPoint 2007 (.pptx)PowerPoint Slideshow (.ppsx)ExcelExcel 2007 (.xlsx)Excel 2007 macro-enabled (.xlsm)Acrobat (PDF)Rich Text FileText FileComma Separated ValuesFlash VideoQuicktime VideoFlash MP4 VideoMP4 VideoFlash AnimationMP3 AudioM4A AudioPhotoshopIllustratorKMLFileKMZ FileZip Archivegzip ArchiveStuffit ArchiveDisk Image FileHTML FileEncapsulated PostscriptPostscriptTIFFJar ArchiveJava Web StartWebM VideoOgg VideoStella RuntimeStella Model (v9 .stm)Stella Model (v10 .stmx)XML fileShockWave Component (SWC)Matlab .MAT FileMatlab FileMATLAB Live ScriptMathematica NotebookMathematica CDF fileCogsketch WorksheetWebVTTJupyter NotebookcalendarR scriptUnknown BinaryThe system will attempt to determine the correct file type based on the name of the file you've selected. Choosing the correct file type here will override that. File Name: e.g. 'student_handout'This will be the name of the downloaded file. By default the system will generate this based on the title you specified and the type of file. If you specify a name here it will over-ride the automatically generated name. This is generally only useful when uploading file of a type not recognized by the system (not in the list of file types above). In that situation choose File Type: Unknown Binary and include the appropriate suffix in the file name here. e.g. myfile.m3z Avoid spaces or special characters in the file names. Authorship/ReuseEither: I am the author (copyright holder) of the contents of this file and people are allowed to reuse it for non-commercial purposes as long as they give me attribution as described by this creative commons license. OrChoose a different authorship/reuse options Hide Who is the original creator/copyright holder of the information in this file? (You)Someone else -- Describe below.Provenance/AcknowledgementsA short description of where the material came from. Include names and institutions of authors and contributors as well as acknowledgment of any work from which this was derived.Reuse LicenseThe creator/copyright holder must have agreed to allow distribution of this file through this site. If you are the creator we strongly encourage you to select the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike option. none selected Public Domain CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Not Licensed for Use Beyond this Site If none of the above licenses apply describe the conditions under which this material appears on this site as well as any information about reuse beyond this site. More Information about reuse and choosing a license Hide Distributing information on the web generally requires the permission of the copyright holder--usually the original creator. Providing the information we request here will help visitors to this site understand the ways in which they may (legally) use what they find. If you created this file (and haven't signed away your copyright) then we'd encourage you to select the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike option. You'll retain the copyright to your file and can do as you please with it in the future. Through this choice you are also explicitly allowing others to reuse that file as long as they give you attribution, and don't use it for commercial purposes. If the file (or content within it) was created by others you'll need their permission. If it predates 1923 or was created by a U.S federal employee (as part of their job) it is likely in the public domain (and we can all do as we choose with it). The original author may also have explicitly stated how it may be reused (e.g. through a creative commons license). You can describe the licensing/reuse situation in the box above. Without permission you should not upload the file. There are several options in this case: You can contact the original author to get permission. You can provide a link to (or a description of how to get) the original material rather than uploading it here. You can find a substitute that isn't encumbered by copyright. You can create a substitute yourself. Remember, ideas can't be copyrighted, only particular expressions of those ideas. Of course you'll want to give credit the original author. The Stanford Copyright and Fair Use Center has more good information about copyright as it applies to academic settings. File 2: Click here to select and describe a file Hide All uploaded files are public unless you are in a private workspaceTitle: A descriptive, human readable title. e.g. 'Student Handout for Sauerkraut Assignment'Select the file: Make sure it has an appropriate suffix (e.g. .doc) or specify the type in the Optional Fields below Description: A very brief description of the file.Show Optional Fields Hide File Type:UnspecifiedJPEGGIFPNGWebPSVGMicrosoft WordMicrosoft Word 2007 (.docx)PowerPointPowerPoint 2007 (.pptx)PowerPoint Slideshow (.ppsx)ExcelExcel 2007 (.xlsx)Excel 2007 macro-enabled (.xlsm)Acrobat (PDF)Rich Text FileText FileComma Separated ValuesFlash VideoQuicktime VideoFlash MP4 VideoMP4 VideoFlash AnimationMP3 AudioM4A AudioPhotoshopIllustratorKMLFileKMZ FileZip Archivegzip ArchiveStuffit ArchiveDisk Image FileHTML FileEncapsulated PostscriptPostscriptTIFFJar ArchiveJava Web StartWebM VideoOgg VideoStella RuntimeStella Model (v9 .stm)Stella Model (v10 .stmx)XML fileShockWave Component (SWC)Matlab .MAT FileMatlab FileMATLAB Live ScriptMathematica NotebookMathematica CDF fileCogsketch WorksheetWebVTTJupyter NotebookcalendarR scriptUnknown BinaryThe system will attempt to determine the correct file type based on the name of the file you've selected. Choosing the correct file type here will override that. File Name: e.g. 'student_handout'This will be the name of the downloaded file. By default the system will generate this based on the title you specified and the type of file. If you specify a name here it will over-ride the automatically generated name. This is generally only useful when uploading file of a type not recognized by the system (not in the list of file types above). In that situation choose File Type: Unknown Binary and include the appropriate suffix in the file name here. e.g. myfile.m3z Avoid spaces or special characters in the file names. Authorship/ReuseEither: I am the author (copyright holder) of the contents of this file and people are allowed to reuse it for non-commercial purposes as long as they give me attribution as described by this creative commons license. OrChoose a different authorship/reuse options Hide Who is the original creator/copyright holder of the information in this file? (You)Someone else -- Describe below.Provenance/AcknowledgementsA short description of where the material came from. Include names and institutions of authors and contributors as well as acknowledgment of any work from which this was derived.Reuse LicenseThe creator/copyright holder must have agreed to allow distribution of this file through this site. If you are the creator we strongly encourage you to select the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike option. none selected Public Domain CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Not Licensed for Use Beyond this Site If none of the above licenses apply describe the conditions under which this material appears on this site as well as any information about reuse beyond this site. More Information about reuse and choosing a license Hide Distributing information on the web generally requires the permission of the copyright holder--usually the original creator. Providing the information we request here will help visitors to this site understand the ways in which they may (legally) use what they find. If you created this file (and haven't signed away your copyright) then we'd encourage you to select the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike option. You'll retain the copyright to your file and can do as you please with it in the future. Through this choice you are also explicitly allowing others to reuse that file as long as they give you attribution, and don't use it for commercial purposes. If the file (or content within it) was created by others you'll need their permission. If it predates 1923 or was created by a U.S federal employee (as part of their job) it is likely in the public domain (and we can all do as we choose with it). The original author may also have explicitly stated how it may be reused (e.g. through a creative commons license). You can describe the licensing/reuse situation in the box above. Without permission you should not upload the file. There are several options in this case: You can contact the original author to get permission. You can provide a link to (or a description of how to get) the original material rather than uploading it here. You can find a substitute that isn't encumbered by copyright. You can create a substitute yourself. Remember, ideas can't be copyrighted, only particular expressions of those ideas. Of course you'll want to give credit the original author. The Stanford Copyright and Fair Use Center has more good information about copyright as it applies to academic settings. At Home Assignments Step-by-step directions for homework.At Home Assignments File 3: Click here to select and describe a file Hide All uploaded files are public unless you are in a private workspaceTitle: A descriptive, human readable title. e.g. 'Student Handout for Sauerkraut Assignment'Select the file: Make sure it has an appropriate suffix (e.g. .doc) or specify the type in the Optional Fields below Description: A very brief description of the file.Show Optional Fields Hide File Type:UnspecifiedJPEGGIFPNGWebPSVGMicrosoft WordMicrosoft Word 2007 (.docx)PowerPointPowerPoint 2007 (.pptx)PowerPoint Slideshow (.ppsx)ExcelExcel 2007 (.xlsx)Excel 2007 macro-enabled (.xlsm)Acrobat (PDF)Rich Text FileText FileComma Separated ValuesFlash VideoQuicktime VideoFlash MP4 VideoMP4 VideoFlash AnimationMP3 AudioM4A AudioPhotoshopIllustratorKMLFileKMZ FileZip Archivegzip ArchiveStuffit ArchiveDisk Image FileHTML FileEncapsulated PostscriptPostscriptTIFFJar ArchiveJava Web StartWebM VideoOgg VideoStella RuntimeStella Model (v9 .stm)Stella Model (v10 .stmx)XML fileShockWave Component (SWC)Matlab .MAT FileMatlab FileMATLAB Live ScriptMathematica NotebookMathematica CDF fileCogsketch WorksheetWebVTTJupyter NotebookcalendarR scriptUnknown BinaryThe system will attempt to determine the correct file type based on the name of the file you've selected. Choosing the correct file type here will override that. File Name: e.g. 'student_handout'This will be the name of the downloaded file. By default the system will generate this based on the title you specified and the type of file. If you specify a name here it will over-ride the automatically generated name. This is generally only useful when uploading file of a type not recognized by the system (not in the list of file types above). In that situation choose File Type: Unknown Binary and include the appropriate suffix in the file name here. e.g. myfile.m3z Avoid spaces or special characters in the file names. Authorship/ReuseEither: I am the author (copyright holder) of the contents of this file and people are allowed to reuse it for non-commercial purposes as long as they give me attribution as described by this creative commons license. OrChoose a different authorship/reuse options Hide Who is the original creator/copyright holder of the information in this file? (You)Someone else -- Describe below.Provenance/AcknowledgementsA short description of where the material came from. Include names and institutions of authors and contributors as well as acknowledgment of any work from which this was derived.Reuse LicenseThe creator/copyright holder must have agreed to allow distribution of this file through this site. If you are the creator we strongly encourage you to select the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike option. none selected Public Domain CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Not Licensed for Use Beyond this Site If none of the above licenses apply describe the conditions under which this material appears on this site as well as any information about reuse beyond this site. More Information about reuse and choosing a license Hide Distributing information on the web generally requires the permission of the copyright holder--usually the original creator. Providing the information we request here will help visitors to this site understand the ways in which they may (legally) use what they find. If you created this file (and haven't signed away your copyright) then we'd encourage you to select the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike option. You'll retain the copyright to your file and can do as you please with it in the future. Through this choice you are also explicitly allowing others to reuse that file as long as they give you attribution, and don't use it for commercial purposes. If the file (or content within it) was created by others you'll need their permission. If it predates 1923 or was created by a U.S federal employee (as part of their job) it is likely in the public domain (and we can all do as we choose with it). The original author may also have explicitly stated how it may be reused (e.g. through a creative commons license). You can describe the licensing/reuse situation in the box above. Without permission you should not upload the file. There are several options in this case: You can contact the original author to get permission. You can provide a link to (or a description of how to get) the original material rather than uploading it here. You can find a substitute that isn't encumbered by copyright. You can create a substitute yourself. Remember, ideas can't be copyrighted, only particular expressions of those ideas. Of course you'll want to give credit the original author. The Stanford Copyright and Fair Use Center has more good information about copyright as it applies to academic settings. File 4: Click here to select and describe a file Hide All uploaded files are public unless you are in a private workspaceTitle: A descriptive, human readable title. e.g. 'Student Handout for Sauerkraut Assignment'Select the file: Make sure it has an appropriate suffix (e.g. .doc) or specify the type in the Optional Fields below Description: A very brief description of the file.Show Optional Fields Hide File Type:UnspecifiedJPEGGIFPNGWebPSVGMicrosoft WordMicrosoft Word 2007 (.docx)PowerPointPowerPoint 2007 (.pptx)PowerPoint Slideshow (.ppsx)ExcelExcel 2007 (.xlsx)Excel 2007 macro-enabled (.xlsm)Acrobat (PDF)Rich Text FileText FileComma Separated ValuesFlash VideoQuicktime VideoFlash MP4 VideoMP4 VideoFlash AnimationMP3 AudioM4A AudioPhotoshopIllustratorKMLFileKMZ FileZip Archivegzip ArchiveStuffit ArchiveDisk Image FileHTML FileEncapsulated PostscriptPostscriptTIFFJar ArchiveJava Web StartWebM VideoOgg VideoStella RuntimeStella Model (v9 .stm)Stella Model (v10 .stmx)XML fileShockWave Component (SWC)Matlab .MAT FileMatlab FileMATLAB Live ScriptMathematica NotebookMathematica CDF fileCogsketch WorksheetWebVTTJupyter NotebookcalendarR scriptUnknown BinaryThe system will attempt to determine the correct file type based on the name of the file you've selected. Choosing the correct file type here will override that. File Name: e.g. 'student_handout'This will be the name of the downloaded file. By default the system will generate this based on the title you specified and the type of file. If you specify a name here it will over-ride the automatically generated name. This is generally only useful when uploading file of a type not recognized by the system (not in the list of file types above). In that situation choose File Type: Unknown Binary and include the appropriate suffix in the file name here. e.g. myfile.m3z Avoid spaces or special characters in the file names. Authorship/ReuseEither: I am the author (copyright holder) of the contents of this file and people are allowed to reuse it for non-commercial purposes as long as they give me attribution as described by this creative commons license. OrChoose a different authorship/reuse options Hide Who is the original creator/copyright holder of the information in this file? (You)Someone else -- Describe below.Provenance/AcknowledgementsA short description of where the material came from. Include names and institutions of authors and contributors as well as acknowledgment of any work from which this was derived.Reuse LicenseThe creator/copyright holder must have agreed to allow distribution of this file through this site. If you are the creator we strongly encourage you to select the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike option. none selected Public Domain CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Not Licensed for Use Beyond this Site If none of the above licenses apply describe the conditions under which this material appears on this site as well as any information about reuse beyond this site. More Information about reuse and choosing a license Hide Distributing information on the web generally requires the permission of the copyright holder--usually the original creator. Providing the information we request here will help visitors to this site understand the ways in which they may (legally) use what they find. If you created this file (and haven't signed away your copyright) then we'd encourage you to select the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike option. You'll retain the copyright to your file and can do as you please with it in the future. Through this choice you are also explicitly allowing others to reuse that file as long as they give you attribution, and don't use it for commercial purposes. If the file (or content within it) was created by others you'll need their permission. If it predates 1923 or was created by a U.S federal employee (as part of their job) it is likely in the public domain (and we can all do as we choose with it). The original author may also have explicitly stated how it may be reused (e.g. through a creative commons license). You can describe the licensing/reuse situation in the box above. Without permission you should not upload the file. There are several options in this case: You can contact the original author to get permission. You can provide a link to (or a description of how to get) the original material rather than uploading it here. You can find a substitute that isn't encumbered by copyright. You can create a substitute yourself. Remember, ideas can't be copyrighted, only particular expressions of those ideas. Of course you'll want to give credit the original author. The Stanford Copyright and Fair Use Center has more good information about copyright as it applies to academic settings. Materials List This comprehensive materials list should address all activities in the unit. Links for specific materials may be included.Materials List File 5: Click here to select and describe a file Hide All uploaded files are public unless you are in a private workspaceTitle: A descriptive, human readable title. e.g. 'Student Handout for Sauerkraut Assignment'Select the file: Make sure it has an appropriate suffix (e.g. .doc) or specify the type in the Optional Fields below Description: A very brief description of the file.Show Optional Fields Hide File Type:UnspecifiedJPEGGIFPNGWebPSVGMicrosoft WordMicrosoft Word 2007 (.docx)PowerPointPowerPoint 2007 (.pptx)PowerPoint Slideshow (.ppsx)ExcelExcel 2007 (.xlsx)Excel 2007 macro-enabled (.xlsm)Acrobat (PDF)Rich Text FileText FileComma Separated ValuesFlash VideoQuicktime VideoFlash MP4 VideoMP4 VideoFlash AnimationMP3 AudioM4A AudioPhotoshopIllustratorKMLFileKMZ FileZip Archivegzip ArchiveStuffit ArchiveDisk Image FileHTML FileEncapsulated PostscriptPostscriptTIFFJar ArchiveJava Web StartWebM VideoOgg VideoStella RuntimeStella Model (v9 .stm)Stella Model (v10 .stmx)XML fileShockWave Component (SWC)Matlab .MAT FileMatlab FileMATLAB Live ScriptMathematica NotebookMathematica CDF fileCogsketch WorksheetWebVTTJupyter NotebookcalendarR scriptUnknown BinaryThe system will attempt to determine the correct file type based on the name of the file you've selected. Choosing the correct file type here will override that. File Name: e.g. 'student_handout'This will be the name of the downloaded file. By default the system will generate this based on the title you specified and the type of file. If you specify a name here it will over-ride the automatically generated name. This is generally only useful when uploading file of a type not recognized by the system (not in the list of file types above). In that situation choose File Type: Unknown Binary and include the appropriate suffix in the file name here. e.g. myfile.m3z Avoid spaces or special characters in the file names. Authorship/ReuseEither: I am the author (copyright holder) of the contents of this file and people are allowed to reuse it for non-commercial purposes as long as they give me attribution as described by this creative commons license. OrChoose a different authorship/reuse options Hide Who is the original creator/copyright holder of the information in this file? (You)Someone else -- Describe below.Provenance/AcknowledgementsA short description of where the material came from. Include names and institutions of authors and contributors as well as acknowledgment of any work from which this was derived.Reuse LicenseThe creator/copyright holder must have agreed to allow distribution of this file through this site. If you are the creator we strongly encourage you to select the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike option. none selected Public Domain CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Not Licensed for Use Beyond this Site If none of the above licenses apply describe the conditions under which this material appears on this site as well as any information about reuse beyond this site. More Information about reuse and choosing a license Hide Distributing information on the web generally requires the permission of the copyright holder--usually the original creator. Providing the information we request here will help visitors to this site understand the ways in which they may (legally) use what they find. If you created this file (and haven't signed away your copyright) then we'd encourage you to select the CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike option. You'll retain the copyright to your file and can do as you please with it in the future. Through this choice you are also explicitly allowing others to reuse that file as long as they give you attribution, and don't use it for commercial purposes. If the file (or content within it) was created by others you'll need their permission. If it predates 1923 or was created by a U.S federal employee (as part of their job) it is likely in the public domain (and we can all do as we choose with it). The original author may also have explicitly stated how it may be reused (e.g. through a creative commons license). You can describe the licensing/reuse situation in the box above. Without permission you should not upload the file. There are several options in this case: You can contact the original author to get permission. You can provide a link to (or a description of how to get) the original material rather than uploading it here. You can find a substitute that isn't encumbered by copyright. You can create a substitute yourself. Remember, ideas can't be copyrighted, only particular expressions of those ideas. Of course you'll want to give credit the original author. The Stanford Copyright and Fair Use Center has more good information about copyright as it applies to academic settings. If you have more than 5 files to associate with this activity, include the first 5 here. You will be able to upload more once your activity page has been created.
Step-by-step directions for the in-class activities planned.
Step-by-step directions for homework.
This comprehensive materials list should address all activities in the unit. Links for specific materials may be included.
If you have more than 5 files to associate with this activity, include the first 5 here. You will be able to upload more once your activity page has been created.
List the key state or national standards that are addressed.
Include information not included elsewhere that will help others to implement the unit successfully. Options for varying the sequence of activities, the materials, or the timetable; suggestions for avoiding pitfalls; and tips for supporting students with particular challenges are among the items that may appear in this section.
How will you find out what students understand and can do? Describe both formative and summative assessments. Include links to relevant student work pages, record sheets, or evaluation forms.
This section should include references and links to online resources that discuss the specific activity or will support faculty and/or students using the activity.
Web resources should include both the url and a brief description of the site (and why it is relevant). Print resource should include basic citation information as well as a brief description of the resource.
Check all that apply.
Comparative Planetology Forces Heat and Mass Transfer History of Life Physical Properties of Matter Planet Formation Planetary Surface Features Quantitative Skills Units and Dimensional Analysis
Include information from the summary along with other key words that will enable other educators to locate your teaching activity using an internet search engine.
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