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Teaching Communication

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Goldenrod Gall Flies: Writing a Lab Report in the Form of a Scientific Paper part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Students collect protein electrophoresis data comparing goldenrod gall flies, analyze class data, and write a lab report in the format of a scientific paper.

The Role of Audience in Quantitative Writing part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
This workshop entails the reading of a highly quantitative article, summarizing it for a different audience, and reflecting upon what choices and opportunities audience presents for quantitative writers.

Writing about Numbers We Should Know part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
This opening assignment for an introductory quantitative reasoning course asks students to write about "Numbers We Should Know." Its goal is to help students begin to think quantitatively, evaluate the sources of quantitative information critically, and write using numbers precisely and thoughtfully.

Evaluating Quantitative Methods in the Analysis of Victorian Novels part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Current research on the Victorian novel includes fascinating, even radical quantitative methods that are transforming assumptions about literary history. This assignment will explore these new methods and help students learn to understand and evaluate quantitative data in relation to literature.

Class in America--2008 part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
This is a writing assignment for first-year composition. Students have a sample essay that uses statistics and case studies as evidence. Students are asked to use statistics persuasively.

Measuring Wellbeing across Racial Groups using Data and Statistics part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
This set of assignments exposes students to statistics and data pertaining to economic wellbeing over time across racial (black-white)categories in the U.S.

VOCES: Spanish for Heritage Learners Introductory Exercise part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
This is a just in time activity that uses a Spanish for the bilingual student website to launch a classroom discussion on cultural and linguistic identity. Students listen to three native speakers talk about their lives in their countries and their transition to life in the university in America. They then talk about their own experience, in class and on a discussion board.

Computer Security with Windows XP part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples

Writing about Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Students write a review of a new SSAC module after they have used SSAC modules themselves as learning activities in their course.

Quantitative Review of a Political Science Documentary/Movie part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
This assignment is designed to introduce quantitative reasoning and critical thinking in viewing documentary videos on the issues of development. Students will write a review essay about one of three designated documentaries for the course.

Tax burden context-rich problem part of Library:Context-Rich Problems:Examples
Students are asked to write a letter to the editor of their newspaper to explain their point of view as a seller in a market that is about to experience an increased sales tax rate.

Quantifying Competing Claims about Indian Language Literatures part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples

Cultural Reading of movies in an advanced culture class in French part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Students analyze the cultural relevance of various French films with the help of statistical data.

What is the main issue we face as a society? part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples

Building an Electoral Dataset and Testing Hypotheses with the Data part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Undergraduate student project for building datasets and analyzing the electoral, party system, and mass behavioral characteristics for a set of countries.

The Science of Sugaring part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples

Finding Your 'Perfect Partner': Evaluating matchmaker profiles usings ratings and cutoff methods part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
In this activity, students informally explore how the rating systems might be set up in a simple setting which uses the "profile" of eight candidates who have responded to an online dating service. The activity also employs the cut-off method as another decision making method on the same problem.

How to Teach to be Statistically Literate part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples

Luck and Randomness in Sports part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
This assignment allows students to investigate randomness in outcomes of sporting events. They will use their knowledge of probability distributions to assess the role that luck has played in the outcomes for teams or individuals.

Storyboarding With Data: Using Quantitative Reading to Teach Research Writing part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
By using a multi-part storyboard approach, we aim to teach participants how to critically assess visual information in research articles. In this exercise, we have three workshop activities: (1) assessing a single figure, (2) assessing a series of figures to determine coherence across a data set, (3) drafting the text for a research article around those visual representations of data.