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Teaching Communication

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Do Quantitative Indicators Make Qualitative Meaning?: Analysis of World Development Indicators, Human Development Indicators, and Happy Planet Indicators part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
The following urls contains relevant materials for this assignment:

Building Professional Communication Skills in Microbiology part of Library:Professional Communications Projects:Examples

A Quantitative Analysis of Pausanias' Testimony on Athletic Statues at Olympia part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Students read an ancient account of the statues of athletes at Olympia and extract from it a set of data presented in a spreadsheet. After analyzing the data using tables, graphs, and maps, the students use quantitative reasoning combined with qualitative arguments to write a paper about how Pausanias' account of the statues reflects both his own biases and the cultural norms of ancient Greek athletics.

American Politics Group Data Projects part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
SETUPS (Empirical Teaching Unites in Political Science) data, published by the American Political Science Association, will be employed in group data analysis projects in an American Government class. Students then use results from these reports in composing an essay question on the course's final exam.

Examining Prosocial Behavior Quantitatively: An Activity for Introductory Psychology Students part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
For this psychology project, students in small groups will design and execute a study on helping behavior and then analyze and interpret the results.

Political Psychology - Public Political Attitudes Assignment part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Students were asked to compare their estimates of public opinion on several current issues to the actual values obtained through the analysis of National Surveys. The objective was to explore a common social attribution error and to acquire familiarity with data sources and on-line analysis tools.

Quantitative Review of an Article part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Students will read an academic article critically and write a review of the article.

Utilizing Numbers in Reading and Writing about Socially-Conscious Literature part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
This activity introduces the students to the usefulness of quantitative material in studying and writing about socially-conscious literature.

The Logic of Congressional Elections part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
A variety of quantitative approaches to Congressional elections in which students learn the causes of electoral outcomes, the predictability of those outcomes, and intervening variables that produce unexpected outcomes.

Assessing the Measurement and Validity of Ambiguous Concepts in Ethnic Conflict Datasets part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
This assignment introduces students to commonly used datasets in ethnic conflict studies. It also encourages them to think critically about data quality and measurement challenges when using large datasets.

Exploring an Architectural Remodel part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
An assignment that requires students to explore a remodeled architectural site, to update the original blueprints with accurate new plans based on their own measurements, and to propose viable possibilities for future reuses of the structure.

GSS based data analysis part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Students will write and present a paper which consists of a review of literature and an empirical/statistical test of the relation between specific variables in the field of social stratification.

Comparing Journalistic Reports to Primary Sources of Research part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
A set of three short writing assignments were designed to encourage students to think critically about the way that scientific research is reported by the popular media and the reasons that research may or may not be reported in a way that could be construed as misleading.

Becoming a Psychology Scholar part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
This assignment takes indtroductory psychology students step-by-step through the research process.

Understanding Acid-Base Titrations using Microsoft Excel part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
This exercise uses a PowerPoint learning module to help students understand the relationship between pH and hydronium concentration in acid-base titrations.

Two Views of a Tax Cut part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples

Data Rich Economic Policy Brief part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
This assignment asks students to write a data-rich policy brief, showing their ability to apply standard microeconomic models and contextualizing the policy debate with numeric evidence.

Finding the best water line: the least squares method in action part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
Students experiment with the slope and y-intercept of a line representing a hose used to water several bushes, and try to minimize the total squared error produced by the line.