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Interactive Lectures

Results 41 - 60 of 68 matches

Externalities in the cashmere market: Colbert Report interview part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
In this interactive lecture, students watch a video clip from The Colbert Report that addresses pollution externalities. Students graph the market and use the write-pair-share technique, then brainstorm ways to move the market to the socially efficient equilibrium.

Pro-Con-Caveat Grid part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
The pro-con-caveat activity is a quick and easy way to engage students through a more interactive lecture experience.

Quicksand Questions: Short In-class Activity part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Student learning on quicksand is assessed during lecture with questions posed by the instructor and responses given with classroom response systems.

Mapping Plate Boundaries part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Students can discover plate boundaries by plotting different sets of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on maps. These are then stacked on the overhead projector, outlining the tectonic plates.

Order It Up! part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
A think-pair-share activity which involves putting solar system bodies in order based on various statistics: escape velocity, distance from the sun, mass, etc.

Learning to Think about Gravity: Newtons's Theory part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to think about gravity, learn about scientific methodology, and transition from the Aristotelian to the Newtonian understanding of gravity.

Using an Applet to Demonstrate the Sampling Distribution of an F-statistic part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
This visualization activity combines student data collection with the use of an applet to enhance the understanding of the distributions of mean square treatment (MST), mean square error (MSE) as well as their ratio, an F-distribution. Students will see theoretical distributions of the mean square treatment, mean square error and their ratio and how they compare to the histograms generated by the simulated data.

The Evolution of Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient/Exploring Relationships between Two Quantitative Variables part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
The evolution of ideas is often ignored in the teaching of statistics. It is important to show students how definitions and formulas evolve. This activity describes a fairly straightforward activity of how measures of association can evolve.

Helping Students Discover Total Internal Reflection part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Students learn the basic relationship of Snell's Law, practice applying it to a situation, then are given another situation where it "doesn't work."??? This situation turns out to be one in which total internal reflection occurs. Students are then shown what happens with classroom apparatus.

Science on a Skateboard - Applications of Newton's Third Law part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
A think, pair, share activity with Socratic questioning to help students begin to understand rocket propulsion.

Projectile and Satellite Orbits part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Gravitation introductory activity with interesting animation. The activity allows the student to revile the connection between the initial speed and the shape of satellite orbit.

Work: pre, during and post class questions part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
This series of questions before instruction, in-class peer instruction, and post-instruction allow students to iterate and improve their understanding of work incrementally.

Think-Pair-Share Analysis of the Operation of a Metal Detector part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
The activity presents a Think-Pair-Share analysis of a metal detector including a simulation.

Partial Derivatives: Geometric Visualization part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
This write-pair-share activity presents Calculus III students with a worksheet containing several exercises that require them to find partial derivatives of functions of two variables. Afterwards, a series of Web-based animations are used to illustrate the surface of each function, the path of the indicated partial derivative for a specified value of the variable and the value of the derivative at each point along the path.

Volumes of Solids of Revolution part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
This write-pair-share activity presents Calculus II students with a worksheet containing several exercises that require them to find the volume of solids of revolution using disk, washer and shell methods and to sketch three-dimensional representations of the resulting solids.

The Crusty Loaf of Bread: An Exploration of Area of a Surface of Revolution part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
This write-pair-share activity for Calculus II students involves a hypothetical hemispherical loaf of bread with a 12-inch diameter that has been sliced into twelve one-inch-thick slices. The objective is to determine which slice contains the most upper crust (i.e., most area of its surface of revolution).

Combined Series and Parallel Circuits: Interactive Lecture Demonstrations part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Three in-class lecture demonstration questions to test and build understanding of DC circuits are presented. These questions cover simple series and parallel circuits, and a more complicated circuit that is fundamental for understanding this topic.

The Economics of Drug Legalization: A Double Entry Journal part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
The activity is designed to be an interative lecture segment during a larger interactive lecture class period. The technique demonstrated through this example is a double entry journal.

The Price Mechanism, Subjective Value and The Antiques Road Show part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
An interactive lecture segment utilizing videos from the Antiques Roadshow, designed to create an interactive experience for students and the instructor. After watching an expert appraisal of a rare/unique object students respond to discussion questions. Instructors lead the discussion toward issues of subjective value, willingness to pay, and the price mechanism.

Buvons de l'eau!: A French language Podcast on Water part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
In this listening comprehension exercise, students of intermediate level French language listen to a podcast interview and complete a questionnaire to check their listening comprehension and enlarge their vocabulary on health topics.