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Teaching with an Earth History Approach
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Using an Earth History Approach part of Library:Earth History Approach
Created by Rebecca Teed, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College Statement of Purpose This module is intended to: Help instructors who are developing or modifying courses or units on Earth ...
Historical Geology part of Library:Earth History Approach:Examples
This introductory online historical geology class teaches basic scientific principles like evolution and plate tectonics, then reviews Earth history from the Precambrian to the present day. The readings are online ...
Global Climate Change part of Library:Earth History Approach:Examples
This interdisciplinary courses focuses on how and why Earth's climate has changed thoughout its history and how it is likely to change in the near future. It draws from geology, chemistry, meteorology, ...
Biogeography part of Library:Earth History Approach:Examples
This geography course is an example of an Earth history course which stresses not only evolution, but evolutionary forces like migration, and the role they have played in shaping modern animal and plant ...
Wonderful Life part of Library:Earth History Approach:Examples
This course uses the Ediacaran fauna as a focus to teach about evolution, the nature of science, and how to write well. The students start off reading "Wonderful Life" (Gould, 1989 ), which deals with ...
The Scientific Method and the Paradox of Controversy part of Library:Earth History Approach:Examples
This course is an excellent example of Earth history taught from the perspective of the history of geology. Not only does it teach some of the most important concepts in geology, but it also teaches the students ...
Earth History part of Library:Earth History Approach:Examples
This Earth history class is intended for non-geoscience majors and follows a chronological structure, starting with the Big Bang and finishing in the anthropogenic period. Abridged from the syllabus: This course is ...
Earth: Evolution of a Habitable World part of Library:Earth History Approach:Examples
This is Earth history taught from a planetary science perspective, comparing it to its neighboring planets. Using a systems approach, students determine how and why the atmosphere and the climate have changed over ...
Processes and Concepts of Geology part of Library:Earth History Approach:Examples
This is an example of a physical-historical geology course, an excellent vehicle for teaching plate tectonics. From the syllabus: This course begins with an introduction to basic Earth materials and analyses of ...
History of Geology part of Library:Earth History Approach:Examples
course url: This is a history-of-geology course that includes a great deal of Earth history material. From the syllabus: The historical development of geology as a ...
Invertebrate Paleontology part of Library:Earth History Approach:Examples
This is a classic evolution-and-fossils kind of course. Students go through major invertebrate groups, examine and interpret fossils and assemblages. Rather than approach the whole world chronologically, the course ...