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Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum

Results 1 - 20 of 103 matches

Glacier (?) National Park part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum/Geology of National Parks module. Students examine data about the disappearing glaciers in the park; after calculating percentage change in the number of glaciers from 1850 to 2000, they interpolate to estimate when Grinnell glacier will be gone.

CLEAN Selected This activity has been selected for inclusion in the CLEAN collection.
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Spreadsheet Warm Up for SSAC Geology of National Parks Modules, 2: Elementary Spreadsheet Manipulations and Graphing Tasks part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum/Geology of National Parks module. The second of two tutorials. Focuses on modifying spreadsheets (e.g., copy/paste, insert, sort) and creating and modifying graphs.

Nitrate Levels in the Rock Creek Park Watershed, Washington DC, 1: Measures of Central Tendency part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum module/Geology of National Parks course. Students examine the histogram of a positively skewed data set and calculate its mean, median and mode.

Lithospheric Density part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Students learn about the weighted mean by building spreadsheets that apply this concept to the average density of the oceanic lithosphere.

Exercise to Calculate River Discharge part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum module. Students use field data from rivers to understand how river discharge is calculated.

Nitrate Levels in the Rock Creek Park Watershed, Washington DC, 2: Variability part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum module/Geology of National Parks course. Students calculate standard deviation and z-values to examine a possible outlier in a positively skewed data set.

How Does Surface Deformation at an Active Volcano Relate to Pressure and Volume Change in the Magma Chamber? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build a spreadsheet to examine and apply the Mogi model for horizontal and vertical surface displacement vs. depth and pressure conditions in the magma chamber.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

What is the Volume of a Debris Flow? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build a spreadsheet to estimate the volume of volcanic deposits using map, thickness and high-water mark data from the 2005 Panabaj debris flow (Guatemala).

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

What is the Relationship between Lava Flow Length and Effusion Rate at Mt Etna? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students use Excel to determine a log-log relationship for flow length vs effusion rate and compare it with a theoretical expression for the maximum flow length.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

What is the Volume of the 1992 Eruption of Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build a spreadsheet to calculate the volume a tephra deposit using an exponential-thinning model.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Bubbles in Magmas part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build a spreadsheet and apply the ideal gas law to model the velocity of a bubble rising in a viscous magma.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

How Do We Estimate Magma Viscosity? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build a spreadsheet to examine how magma viscosity varies with temperature, fraction of crystals, and water content using the non-Arrhenian VFT model.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

How Do We Estimate Melt Density? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build spreadsheets to estimate melt density at high temperatures and pressures from the thermodynamic properties of silicates.

Carbon Sequestration in Campus Trees part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum module. Students use allometric relationships to calculate tree mass from trunk diameter in a stand of trees in the Pacific Northwest.

CLEAN Selected This activity has been selected for inclusion in the CLEAN collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Shaking Ground - Linking Earthquake Magnitude and Intensity part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
An in-class activity for connecting earthquake magnitude, shaking, and intensity.

From Isotopes to Temperature: Working With A Temperature Equation part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum module. Students build a spreadsheet to examine from a dataset the relation between oxygen isotopes in corals and the temperature of surrounding seawater.

CLEAN Selected This activity has been selected for inclusion in the CLEAN collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Global Climate: Estimating How Much Sea Level Changes When Continental Ice Sheets Form part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum module. Students build spreadsheets to estimate how far sea level drops during a continental glaciation.

CLEAN Selected This activity has been selected for inclusion in the CLEAN collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Dunes, Boxcars, and Ball Jars: Mining the Great Lakes Shores part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum module/Geology of National Parks course. Students estimate the volume of sand in Hoosier Slide, a large dome-shaped dune quarried away in the 1920s from what is now Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. They also estimate the number of boxcars to carry the sand, and the number of Ball jars produced from it.

Yellowstone! A National Park on a Hot Spot part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum module/Geology of National Parks course. Students use foundational math to study the velocity of the North American Plate over the hot spot, the volume of eruptive materials from it, and the recurrence interval of the cataclysmic eruptions.

Mapping Coastal Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise at Point Reyes National Seashore part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum/Geology of National Parks module. Students work with a color-coded conditional-formatted spreadsheet map to work through a USGS report applying a coastal vulnerability index.