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Investigating Earthquakes: GIS Mapping and Analysis (College Level) part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
This is a college-level adaptation of a chapter from the Earth Exploration Toolbook. The students download global quake data over a time range and use GIS to interpret the tectonic context.
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Using Google Earth to Explore Plate Tectonics part of Library:Teaching with Google Earth:Examples
Students use Google Earth to learn about plate tectonics by exploring the topography of the earth's continents and ocean floor, the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes, and seafloor age. They become familiar with these global data sets and understand how Earth's tectonic plates and plate boundaries are defined.
Analyzing the Antarctic Ozone Hole (College Level) part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
College-level adaptation of a chapter in the Earth Exploration Toolbook. Examine satellite images of atmospheric ozone in the Southern Hemisphere to study changes in concentration over a time.
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Measuring Distance and Area in Satellite Images (College Level) part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
Users analyze NASA images of the Aral Sea using ImageJ. This Starting Point page provides general tips to adapt this Earth Exploration Toolbook chapter to college level.
Using GLOBE Data to Study the Earth System (College Level) part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
College-level adaptation of an Earth Exploration Toolbook chapter that uses the GLOBE environmental data set to analyze surface measurements made by students around the world.
Names in the Field: A Simple GPS Field Exercise part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
Simple field exercise to introduce the concepts of GPS position data acquisition. Students "write" words in a field and upload the data to map it in GIS or spreadsheet software.
Stream Gages and GIS part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
Utilize the online GIS of the USGS real-time stream gage network to introduce basic concepts of data-driven maps and GIS. This exercise can be used independently or with other hydrology exercises.
Teaching with GIS in the Geosciences part of Library:Teaching with GIS
Created by Brian Welch, Dept. of Environmental Studies, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN What is GIS? GIS = Geographic Information Systems GIS represent a collection of methods (usually as computer software) to ...
Image Classification part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
An exercise to use a simple image analysis program to classify land surface types seen in satellite imagery in order to analyze changes in landscape development over time.
When is Dinner Served? Predicting the Spring Phytoplankton Bloom in the Gulf of Maine (College Level) part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
College-level adaptation of the Earth Exploration Toolbook chapter. Students explore the critical role phytoplankton play in the marine food web.
Floodplains in the field (with GIS) part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
In this GIS-enhanced lab, students measure a topographic and geologic cross-section across a floodplain by simple surveying and auguring techniques.
Looking into Earth with GIS (College Level) part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
College-level adaptation of the Earth Exploration Toolbook chapter. Students work with a free GIS program, ArcVoyager SE, to explore earthquake data and plate tectonics.
Annotating Change in Satellite Images part of Library:Teaching with Data:Examples
During this exercise, students compare a series of satellite images taken 3-4 years apart to investigate the effects of human land use and annotate the images using ImageJ software.
Mapping Plate Boundaries part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Students can discover plate boundaries by plotting different sets of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on maps. These are then stacked on the overhead projector, outlining the tectonic plates.
World Population part of Library:Teaching with Visualizations:Visualization Examples
Access and visualize world population data using the user friendly MyWorld GIS software. Data includes total population, population density, projected population, male and female population, and age specific population, etc.