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Interactive Lectures

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Geologic Puzzles: Morrison Formation part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Images of faulted strata, tilted turbidites, and beach rocks bring the field into the classroom, giving students practice in doing what geoscientists do. These images are examples of geologic puzzles.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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Magma Viscosity Demos part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
This is an interactive lecture where students answer questions about demonstrations shown in several movie files. They learn to connect what they have learned about molecules, phases of matter, silicate crystal structures, and igneous rock classification with magma viscosity, and to connect magma viscosity with volcano explosiveness and morphology.

Interactive lecture on diminishing marginal product: tennis ball production part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
In this interactive lecture, students "produce" tennis balls with fixed capital and increasing labor, generating a production function. Students calculate the marginal product of each work and discover that marginal product falls as the number of workers rises.

Carbon Dioxide Exercise part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Students work in groups, plotting carbon dioxide concentrations over time on overheads and estimating the rate of change over five years.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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CLEAN Selected This activity has been selected for inclusion in the CLEAN collection.
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How Fast Do Materials Weather? part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
A think-pair-share activity in which students calculate weathering rates from tombstone weathering data.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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Using PhET simulations in a large lecture class – The Photoelectric Effect part of Library:PhET Interactive Science Simulations:Examples
This activity provides a complete curriculum for teaching the photoelectric effect using the PhET Photoelectric Effect simulation in a large-lecture modern physics course. It includes links to powerpoint slides for two to three 50-minute lectures using Peer Instruction with clickers, and one homework assignment suitable for an online homework system. Research has demonstrated that students in classes using this curriculum have a better understanding of the photoelectric effect than students in classes using traditional instruction supplemented by a computerized tutor.

Effect of Coefficient of x^2 on Parabola Shape part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
This classroom activity presents College Algebra students with a ConcepTest, a Question of the Day, and a Write-pair-share activity concerning the effect of the coefficient of x^2 on the shape of a parabola where b and c are arbitrarily fixed values in f(x)=ax^2+bx+c.

Social Class Symbols: In-class Activity Game part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
This sites provides three interactive games related to social class and personal possessions indicative of class.

Do You See What I See: Using Optical and Visual Illusions to Illustrate Perception part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
An in-class demonstration of perception and individual perceptual differences, using optical illusions and visuals.

Constructing Phylogenetic Trees: The Whippo Story part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
An interactive lecture in which students use data on feeding habits and habitat, skeletons, and DNA sequences to draw phylogenetic trees.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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Simple Mendelian Genetics: An interactive lecture using "DNA from the Beginning" part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
An interactive lecture that uses flash animations showing the researcher and their experiments that were used to develop the basic concepts in Mendelian genetics. Includes multiple choice questions students can answer in class.

Describe and Interpret Images: Folded Strata part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
In class, have students make a simple sketch of an outcrop shown in a slide (or computer projection) then discuss possible interpretations.

Rivers: Short In-class Activity part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Images of the James River in Virginia, including one at flood stage, and of potholes, all of which can be used to have the students make observations, estimates, and interpretations.

ConcepTests part of Library:ConcepTests
ConcepTests are conceptual multiple-choice questions that focus on one key concept of an instructor's learning goals for a lesson. When coupled with student interaction through peer instruction, ConcepTests represent a rapid method of formative assessment of student understanding.

Psychic test part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Show relative frequency converging to true probability by testing the psychic ability of your students.

Count the Fs: Why a Sample instead of a Census? part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
This interactive lecture activity motivates the need for sampling. "Why sample, why not just take a census?" Under time pressure, students count the number of times the letter F appears in a paragraph. The activity demonstrates that a census, even when it is easy to take, may not give accurate information. Under the time pressure measurement errors are more frequently made in the census rather than in a small sample.

Using an Applet to Demonstrate a Sampling Distribution part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
Introducing sampling distribution through cooperative learning among students using a group activity. Afterwards, use the sampling distribution applet to illustrate.

What Determines Gender in Humans? part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
In this activity students examine karyotypes from five individuals to try to identify which chromosomes determine gender in humans. This activity is also a good illustration of meiotic non-disjunction.

Effect of Coefficient of x on Parabola Vertex (b < 0) part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
This classroom activity presents College Algebra students with a ConcepTest, a Question of the Day, and a Write-pair-share activity concerning the effect of the coefficient of x on the vertex of a parabola where a>0, b<0 and a and c are fixed values in f(x)=ax^2+bx+c.

Effect of Coefficient of x^2 on Parabola Vertex (a>0) part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Examples
This classroom activity presents College Algebra students with a ConcepTest, a Question of the Day, and a Write-pair-share activity concerning the effect of the coefficient of x^2 on the vertex of a parabola where a>0, b>0 and b and c are fixed values in f(x)=ax^2+bx+c.