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Investigative Case - "Swampeast Missouri" part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
Students will explore wetland hydrology and biology and decide whether or not to restore a wetland or retain dams and drainage systems.
Investigative Case - "Holy Starbucks Batman!" part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
Students will investigate caffeine as a potential new pollutant in a northwest river system. Effects of caffeine on invertebrates and salmon fry will be explored through field work and lab work.
The Wingra Marsh: A Purple Population Problem part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
Students author a presentation to the Grounds Management Committee of their school giving their recommendation for the control of the invasive species purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) on campus.
Investigative Case - "The Sky is Falling" part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
Students will generate maps of ozone concentrations, graph air quality indices, and propose solutions to problems with the ozone and air quality, specifically smog.
Not in My Backyard: Locating a Site for a New Landfill part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
Students are prompted to select a site for a new landfill using a geologic atlas. Guided by state regulations for siting landfills, students analyze maps of surface water, land use, bedrock geology, surficial geology, and depth to bedrock to identify potential sites.
Using a Groundwater Pollution Problem to Develop Professional Communication Skills part of Library:Professional Communications Projects:Examples
Using Investigative Cases part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning
Ethel Stanley, BioQUEST, Beloit College, and Margaret Waterman, Southeast Missouri State University "The investigative case-based learning approach is a method of learning and teaching that gives students ...
Investigative Case - "Goodbye Honey Buckets" part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
Students will investigate arctic geology and hydrology as well as tundra ecology as they consider options for sewage treatment. Public safety, environmental impact, and issues of construction and engineering will be explored.
Investigative Case - "Home, Home on the River" part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
Students will examine the complex issues that result from human use of ecologically sensitive areas. The students will investigate these issues from the point of view of their major/career path.
Investigative Case - Living in an Alkaline Environment part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
Living in an Alkaline Environment is a three-part interactive activity that explores the ecology and diversity of life in alkaline environments.
Investigative Case: The Nancy Creek Challenge part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
Students examine a case study of fish kill in Nancy Creek and identify the environmental conditions that favor life in a fresh water ecosystem.
Investigating Regional Hydrogeology of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
Exercise to recognize regional groundwater flow in the Cretaceous aquifers of the North Carolina and Virginia Coastal Plain and their changes through time. Includes interpreting flow before and after human withdrawals, so students can discover impacts on the groundwater system, especially for depletion and saltwater intrusion.
Investigative Case - Los Angeles and the Future of Mono Lake part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
The Los Angeles and the Future of Mono Lake WebQuest leads students in a guided exploration of Mono Lake's extreme environment and asks them to consider the preservation of this environment in relation to the needs of humans.
Antibacterial soaps, friend or foe: An investigative case study part of MnSCU Partnership:PKAL-MnSCU Activities
This lab activity will not only draw on students' real life experiences but will also draw on student's previous lab experiences in proper laboratory techniques and data analysis performed in previous activities. The lab will incorporate the use of scientific inquiry methods and strategies while students develop reasonable answers to the questions asked.
Investigative Case - "European Starlings and Woopeckers" part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
An exploration into Niche Competition and Population Ecology
Investigative Case - "Malama Keone'o'io" part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
Students will learn techniques for conducting a local environmental assessment in an ecologically sensitive area. Identification of native plants and methodologies for sampling will be taught in the classroom and then reinforced in the field. The module also includes a community awareness and conservation aspect.
Investigative Case - "Rio Grande Wildlife Refuge" part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
As professional ecologists working for the fish and wildlife service, students must develop a plan to manage a new wildlife refuge along the Rio Grande River. The fish and wildlife service plans to connect forest islands along the river, which will become not only a new refuge but also a "wildlife corridor."
Investigative Case - Protistan Tales of Atlantic White Cedar Swamps part of Library:Investigative Case Based Learning:Examples
The Protistan Tales of Atlantic White Cedar Swamps WebQuest features a guided exploration of microbial diversity. It introduces students to the extreme habitat of the Atlantic White Cedar Swamp and encourages them to explore characteristics of the microorganisms that live there. The WebQuest applies the personification theme of Aesop's Fables as a means to acquaint students with protists. It challenges them to search for microbial "personality traits" and to implement these traits into a creative storyline.