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The Pet Rock Project - Developing Professional Communication in a Petrology Course part of Library:Professional Communications Projects:Examples
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Campus Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory part of Library:Campus Living Laboratory:Examples
Students conduct a greenhouse gas emission inventory for their college or university. Students analyze findings and present information to the college or university community.
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Campus Nitrogen Budget part of Library:Campus Living Laboratory:Examples
Link the college or university operations with local ecology. In this study, students use a tool from urban ecology, the nitrogen budget, to research the inputs, outputs and subsytem transfers of nitrogen on the college or university campus.
Replicating Results of Famous Empirical Papers part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Experience-Based Environmental Projects part of Library:Experience-Based Environmental Projects
Created by Karin Kirk, Montana State University Get your students involved in their own learning! This module includes examples of projects, background information and teaching ideas to promote ...
Environment and the Earth Class part of Library:Service-Learning:Examples
The Environment and the Earth class at the University of South Carolina participated in a campus environmental service-learning project where students collected data lighting, water fixtures, recycling bins, and trash in five academic buildings.
Environmental Assessment Course part of Library:Campus Living Laboratory:Examples
The classic campus-based project is an environmental or sustainability assessment, often referred to as an environmental audit. This course, taught at Carleton in 2001, describes how this type of project can be undertaken. In this scenario, a student, campus environmental group or class researches aspects the envinormental impact of the school.
Natural Disaster Risk at Home part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Students analyze the natural disaster threat and potential mitigation techniques of their (family) home.
Service-Learning part of Library:Service-Learning
Created by Suzanne Savanick, Science Education Resource Center, and enhanced first by Ed Laine (Bowdoin College) and then by Andrea Ziegert (Denison University), Nancy Brooks (Cornell University), Emily Janke (UNC ...
Research Paper in Introductory Econometrics part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Petrology in the Field and Laboratory part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
In this multi-week project, students collect samples in the field, analyze them using various tools and instruments, then present their results and interpretations.
Watershed Analysis part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Students conduct a regional watershed analysis of an area of their choosing. Using on-line data and their personal knowledge of the area, they determine the annual hydrologic budget and teach the class about "their" watershed.
Impact Craters and Water on Mars part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Students explore for water on Mars using impact crater morphology. During this lab, students: learn to use the equation writing and graphing capabilities in Microsoft Excel, thendevelop and apply an impact crater depth-diameter relationship in an effort to constrain the depth to a possible water-rich layer beneath one or more portions of the surface of Mars!
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Analyzing beach sands with a SEM/EDS part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
Students pose a question that can be answered using the SEM and sand they have previously collected from beach profiles.
Using a Groundwater Pollution Problem to Develop Professional Communication Skills part of Library:Professional Communications Projects:Examples
Using an Observatory Project to Develop Professional Communication in Astronomy part of Library:Professional Communications Projects:Examples
This is a comprehensive project using the Highland Road Park Observatory camera. This project encompasses the formal portions for both written and spoken communication, and carries 55% of the course credit.
Professional Communication Projects: Training Science Students to Communicate part of Library:Professional Communications Projects
Developed by Colleen H. Fava, Basic Sciences Communication Studio Coordinator, Louisiana State University and Darrell Henry, Campanile Charities Professor of Geology and Geophysics, Louisiana State University ...
A Survey Paper: Topics in Economic Growth and Development part of Library:Undergraduate Research:Example
This paper is designed to help students develop deeper understanding of a topic within economic growth and/or economic development and potentially lead to the development of a thesis proposal. This paper does not ...
Freshwater Ecology/Limnology part of Library:Service-Learning:Examples
Students study aquatic organisms in relation to the environmental conditions of lakes and streams. The course develops substantial quantities of data concerning the local watershed. This data is used by community partners in many contexts.
Hydrology Service-Learning at UVM part of Library:Service-Learning:Examples
At the University of Vermont, instructors used land use change, driven by development of the University of Vermont campus and recent student occupancy of surrounding neighborhoods in Burlington, Vermont, as an opportunity for service learning and for teaching fundamental hydrologic and geologic skills. Students from a Geomorphology class, Geohydrology class and student senior research projects all worked on the preoject. In each of these studies, students worked closely with City and University staff and presented results at local forums, professional national meeting, and on the World Wide Web. These service-learning projects have received positive feedback from the students, city officals, and community members.