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Design a Paper Car: Exploring the Scientific Method part of Library:Process of Science:Examples
An engineering design project modified to teach the scientific methos, promote team-builing, and engage students at the beginning of a physics course.

Lithospheric Density part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Students learn about the weighted mean by building spreadsheets that apply this concept to the average density of the oceanic lithosphere.

Mass Balance Model part of Library:Mathematical and Statistical Models:Examples
Students are introduced to the concept of mass balance, flow rates, and equilibrium using an online interactive water bucket model.

CLEAN Selected This activity has been selected for inclusion in the CLEAN collection.
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How Does Surface Deformation at an Active Volcano Relate to Pressure and Volume Change in the Magma Chamber? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build a spreadsheet to examine and apply the Mogi model for horizontal and vertical surface displacement vs. depth and pressure conditions in the magma chamber.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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What is the Volume of a Debris Flow? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build a spreadsheet to estimate the volume of volcanic deposits using map, thickness and high-water mark data from the 2005 Panabaj debris flow (Guatemala).

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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What is the Volume of the 1992 Eruption of Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build a spreadsheet to calculate the volume a tephra deposit using an exponential-thinning model.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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Bubbles in Magmas part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build a spreadsheet and apply the ideal gas law to model the velocity of a bubble rising in a viscous magma.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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How Do We Estimate Magma Viscosity? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build a spreadsheet to examine how magma viscosity varies with temperature, fraction of crystals, and water content using the non-Arrhenian VFT model.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

How Do We Estimate Melt Density? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build spreadsheets to estimate melt density at high temperatures and pressures from the thermodynamic properties of silicates.

Using PhET simulations in high school – Open-ended Pendulum Labs part of Library:PhET Interactive Science Simulations:Examples
These labs provide examples of using very open-ended questions to guide students in exploring a simulation and designing their own experiments. These labs can lead to a high level of quantitative thinking about data analysis.

Using PhET simulations in a large lecture class – The Photoelectric Effect part of Library:PhET Interactive Science Simulations:Examples
This activity provides a complete curriculum for teaching the photoelectric effect using the PhET Photoelectric Effect simulation in a large-lecture modern physics course. It includes links to powerpoint slides for two to three 50-minute lectures using Peer Instruction with clickers, and one homework assignment suitable for an online homework system. Research has demonstrated that students in classes using this curriculum have a better understanding of the photoelectric effect than students in classes using traditional instruction supplemented by a computerized tutor.

Using PhET simulations to replace real equipment in lab – Circuit Construction Kit part of Library:PhET Interactive Science Simulations:Examples
Labs and tutorials that use equipment such as circuits can be modified to use PhET simulations instead. Research shows that substituting the PhET Circuit Construction Kit simulation for real equipment in a variety ...

Buoyancy and Archimedes Principle part of Library:Interactive Lecture Demonstrations:Examples
Summary Buoyancy is based on Archimedes' Principle which states that the buoyant force acting upward on an object completely or partially immersed in a fluid equals the weight of the fluid displaced by the ...

Introduction to Work and Energy: The Hopper Popper Surprise part of Library:Interactive Lecture Demonstrations:Examples

Being P-Waves and S-Waves part of Library:Role Playing:Examples
Teach students about P-waves and S-waves by having them model them with their own bodies.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Metric System Conversions: Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) activity part of MnSCU Partnership:PKAL-MnSCU Activities
This activity helps student learn to convert within the metric system and begin learning about process skill necessary for working in groups.

An Interactive Study: Laws of Conservation of Mass and Definite Proportions part of Library:Process of Science:Examples
This activity seeks to have students model the process of science by recording quantitative and qualitative attributes of reactants and products in three separate experiments with the purpose of examining the relationship between the original reactant(s) to the final product(s). Students record the mass and volume of reactants and products and independently calculate mathematical relationships between the reactant(s) and product(s). They also record their observations of any physical changes that occur.

Seasons part of Library:Interactive Lecture Demonstrations:Examples
While working in groups to facilitate peer tutoring, students manipulate a hands-on, physical model to better comprehend the Earth's position in space, the Earth's rotation axis and seasons.

Porosity and Permeability of Magmas part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build a spreadsheet for an iterative calculation to find volume of bubbles and hence porosity, permeability and gas escape as a function of depth.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

How are Flow Conditions in Volcanic Conduits Estimated? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build a spreadsheet to calculate velocity of rising magma in steady-state Plinian eruptions using conservation of mass and momentum.