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Results 1 - 20 of 28 matches
Bubbles in Magmas part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build a spreadsheet and apply the ideal gas law to model the velocity of a bubble rising in a viscous magma.
Learn more about this review process.
How Do We Estimate Magma Viscosity? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build a spreadsheet to examine how magma viscosity varies with temperature, fraction of crystals, and water content using the non-Arrhenian VFT model.
Learn more about this review process.
How Do We Estimate Melt Density? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build spreadsheets to estimate melt density at high temperatures and pressures from the thermodynamic properties of silicates.
From Isotopes to Temperature: Working With A Temperature Equation part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum module. Students build a spreadsheet to examine from a dataset the relation between oxygen isotopes in corals and the temperature of surrounding seawater.
Learn more about this review process.
An Interactive Study: Laws of Conservation of Mass and Definite Proportions part of Library:Process of Science:Examples
This activity seeks to have students model the process of science by recording quantitative and qualitative attributes of reactants and products in three separate experiments with the purpose of examining the relationship between the original reactant(s) to the final product(s). Students record the mass and volume of reactants and products and independently calculate mathematical relationships between the reactant(s) and product(s). They also record their observations of any physical changes that occur.
Something is Askew at Mammoth Cave National Park part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum/Geology of National Parks module. Students use the geometric mean and multiplicative standard deviation to examine the right-skewed distribution of nutrient concentrations in water-quality data at Mammoth Cave National Park.
How are Flow Conditions in Volcanic Conduits Estimated? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
SSAC Physical Volcanology module. Students build a spreadsheet to calculate velocity of rising magma in steady-state Plinian eruptions using conservation of mass and momentum.
The Mole in Chemistry: How do you determine the number of atoms or molecules in everyday items? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets across the Curriculum Module. Students build spreadsheets to practice converting between moles, grams, and atomic mass units.
Resources for using PhET simulations in class – PhET Activities Database part of Library:PhET Interactive Science Simulations:Examples
The PhET Activities Database is a collection of resources for using PhET sims. It includes hundreds of lesson plans, homework assignments, labs, clicker questions, and more. Some activities have been created by the PhET team and some have been created by teachers.
Various Group Activities Using Learning Assistants part of Library:Teaching with Learning Assistants:Examples
Undergraduate Learning Assistants have been used to facilitate group work in a variety of ways, such as in-lecture tutorials and worksheets, group work in required recitations, and group work in optional ...
Ionic and Binary Compound Chemical Nomenclature part of MnSCU Partnership:PKAL-MnSCU Activities
This is a POGIL activity geared for general chemistry students. The activity guides students through the process of determining how ionic and binary compounds are named as well as inorganic acids.
Is It Hot in Here? -- Spreadsheeting Conversions in the English and Metric Systems part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across Curriculum module/Introductory chemistry course. Students build spreadsheets to examine unit conversions between the metric and English systems. Spreadsheet level: Beginner.
Using Learning Assistants to Support Peer Instruction with Classroom Response Systems ("Clickers") part of Library:Teaching with Learning Assistants:Examples
Learning Assistants are used to facilitate student discussion in peer instruction during clicker questions (i.e., classroom response systems), by asking Socratic questions, emphasizing reasoning, and probing student thinking.
The Candle Icebreaker part of MnSCU Partnership:PKAL-MnSCU Activities
Small groups of students examine a candle to consider its chemical properties. Class discussion follows to consider macro vs. molecular events, energy, phase changes, etc.
Conceptest: Ozone umbrella analogy part of Library:ConcepTests:Examples
Which statement is the best analogy? A. An umbrella is to rain as the stratosphere is to solar radiation. B. An umbrella is to rain as the stratosphere is to ultraviolet radiation. C. An umbrella is to rain as the ...
Conceptest: CFCs and ozone part of Library:ConcepTests:Examples
Analyze the following student descriptions of the relationship between CFCs and ozone. Which is the best? a. CFCs are manufactured gases that destroy the ozone layer and produce oxygen. b. Chlorine forms from the ...
Limiting Reactants: Industrial Case Study part of Library:Cooperative Learning:Examples
An exercise in which students apply limiting reactants, mass ratios and percent yields to suggest an optimum industrial process. Cost figures are provided but students are told to come up with, and defend, their own criteria for their recommendation.
Buffer Capacity in Chemical Equilibrium: How long can you hyperventilate before severe alkalosis sets in? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Radioactive Decay and Popping Popcorn -- Understanding the Rate Law part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum module. Students build spreadsheets to forward model an example of exponential decay and interpret the meaning of the decay constant.
Using Learning Assistants in Recitation Tutorials part of Library:Teaching with Learning Assistants:Examples
Undergraduate Learning Assistants can be used to supplement the instructor and/or Teaching Assistant during recitations. They may help facilitate productive group work on tutorial activities designed to help ...