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Role Playing

Results 1 - 6 of 6 matches

Coral Bleaching: Making Our Oceans Whiter part of Library:Role Playing:Examples
This lesson plan deals with coral reefs and the recent crisis of coral bleaching. It suggests that students engage in a role-playing debate about modifying human activity to protect reefs.

Changing With the Tide part of Library:Role Playing:Examples
This lesson plan is written around a brief role-play in which students learn about and act out plants and animals in a salt marsh habitat as the tides change.

Yellowstone Fires part of Library:Role Playing:Examples
This module enables students to take a problem-based learning approach to wildfires, in particular whether a "let-it-burn" policy makes sense in Yellowstone National Park.

Too many deer? A public hearing part of Library:Teaching with the Case Method:Examples
Students reenact a public hearing to determine how to manage a deer herd that is overpopulated.

The Grand Canyon part of Library:Role Playing:Examples
This interdisciplinary lesson plan deals with the consequences of damming in the Grand Canyon area. The students, role-playing as scientists, write a proposal to try experimental flooding.

The High Plains: Land of Extremes part of Library:Role Playing:Examples
This lesson plan includes a debate about whether the black-footed ferret should be reintroduced onto public lands and a study of the High Plains habitat.