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Service Learning

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Campus Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory part of Library:Campus Living Laboratory:Examples
Students conduct a greenhouse gas emission inventory for their college or university. Students analyze findings and present information to the college or university community.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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CLEAN Selected This activity has been selected for inclusion in the CLEAN collection.
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Campus Nitrogen Budget part of Library:Campus Living Laboratory:Examples
Link the college or university operations with local ecology. In this study, students use a tool from urban ecology, the nitrogen budget, to research the inputs, outputs and subsytem transfers of nitrogen on the college or university campus.

Environmental Assessment Course part of Library:Campus Living Laboratory:Examples
The classic campus-based project is an environmental or sustainability assessment, often referred to as an environmental audit. This course, taught at Carleton in 2001, describes how this type of project can be undertaken. In this scenario, a student, campus environmental group or class researches aspects the envinormental impact of the school.

Freshwater Ecology/Limnology part of Library:Service-Learning:Examples
Students study aquatic organisms in relation to the environmental conditions of lakes and streams. The course develops substantial quantities of data concerning the local watershed. This data is used by community partners in many contexts.

Sarita Wetland Restoration part of Library:Campus Living Laboratory:Examples
The Sarita Wetland restoration on the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus is used as teaching tools by numerous classes. Students, staff and faculty have collaborated on the planning and implementation of the project. This example highlights the restoration process, and specifically references one of the classes, the Water Quality class.

Design and Construction of an Eco-House part of Library:Campus Living Laboratory:Examples
Students in this course explore designs of a future Carleton College student house. This is a multi-year project where students from the social sciences, humanities / arts, and natural sciences explore parts of the design of an actual house.

Global Change Biology Service-Learning Project part of Library:Service-Learning:Examples
The class engaged in a service learning project to craft a draft sustainability vision for Carleton. The students worked in teams of 3-4 students and the statements that each of the teams developed were shared with the Environment and Technology Studies Program (ENTS) and the Carleton Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC).

Interpreting the History, Geology, and Ecology of Monterey Bay part of Library:Service-Learning:Examples
This is a 2-unit Service Learning option associated with the "Special Topics: The History, Geology, and Ecology of Monterey Bay" course. Students will learn about Monterey Bay in the special topics course and will share their knowledge with K-12 grade children at local schools by participating in the Virtual Canyon Project.

Marine Environmental Geology part of Library:Service-Learning:Examples
This course is an introduction to the aspects of marine geology and oceanography that affect the environment and marine resources. Service-learning is an essential component of how students learn about the earth. We deliver part of the content of this course by arranging for students to solve a problem with a local community partner.

General Education Biology part of Library:Service-Learning:Examples
This course, a beginning biology course, uses service-learning to connect coursework with the local community. The students find and execute a service-learning project based on their interests as a requirement of the course.

Field Biology, University of Maine-Farmington part of Library:Service-Learning:Examples
This field biology class uses a service-learning project instead of a course term paper. The students worked with 4th and 5th graders at a local school to teach them skills in wildflower and fern identification, and then to help them implement a nature trail, which will be accessible to the greater community.