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Quantitative Reasoning

Results 61 - 73 of 73 matches

Take a Deep Breath on the Appalachian Trail in Great Smoky Mountains National Park: How Many Ozone Molecules Do You Inhale? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum module/Geology of National Parks course. Students work with ratio and proportion and the concept of mole to calculate the number of molecules of ozone in a volume of air from concentration data.

Using Mass Balance to Understand Atmospheric CFCs part of Library:Teaching with Data:Examples
Students use an interactive online mass balance model help understand the observed levels of chlorofluorocarbon CFC-12 over the recent past.

When is Dinner Served? Predicting the Spring Phytoplankton Bloom in the Gulf of Maine (College Level) part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
College-level adaptation of the Earth Exploration Toolbook chapter. Students explore the critical role phytoplankton play in the marine food web.

Carbon Dioxide Emissions part of Library:Teaching with Spreadsheets:Examples
In this activity, the students explore the data set which describes the carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels between 1980 and 2006 to create bar charts, pie charts and histograms.

Tale of Two Cities (and two hurricanes): New Orleans part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Students use spreadsheets to analyze the reasons why New Orleans has subsided in the past 250 years.

Introduction to Hazard and Risk: Part 2 part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Students continue their introduction to Excel by building spreadsheets that estimate the risk of a major earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone to Benton County, Oregon.

Introduction to Hazard and Risk: Part 1 part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Students are are introduced to Excel and its capabilities by building some simple spreadsheets.

Question of the Day: Ocean Waves #2 part of Library:Interactive Lectures:Question of the Day
Surfers know that the best waves from distant storms have periods of about 14 seconds. The object of this activity is to compute how long it takes the 14 second period waves to travel 6,000 km across the pacific. ...

Getting to the Point: Exploring Tectonic Motion at Point Reyes National Seashore part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum module/Geology of National Parks course. Students use foundational math to calculate such earthquake-related numbers as fault displacement rate and earthquake recurrence interval associated with the San Andreas Fault at Point Reyes National Seashore.

Explaining Seismic Hazard Probabilities part of Library:Quantitative Writing:Examples
This activity asks students to explain earthquake hazard probabilities to a lay audience of citizens, government officials and others.

Calibrating a Pipettor part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum activity. In advance of an actual lab activity, students virtually simulate the calibration of a laboratory micropipettor. QL: Accuracy and precision.

How often do earthquakes occur? part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Students use spreadsheet tables and charts to explore the relationship between earthquake magnitude and frequency.

Tale of Two Cities (and two hurricanes): Miami part of Library:Teaching with SSAC:Examples
Students use a spreadsheet to compute the hypothetical risk of an Andrew-like hurricane to downtown Miami.