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Investigating Earthquakes: GIS Mapping and Analysis (College Level) part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
This is a college-level adaptation of a chapter from the Earth Exploration Toolbook. The students download global quake data over a time range and use GIS to interpret the tectonic context.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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An Experiential Pedagogy for Sustainability Ethics: The Externalities Game part of Library:Games:Examples
The Externalities Game is a non-cooperative game that teaches students about the concept of environmental externalities and allows them to directly experience the moral dimensions of collective action problems. It has been particularly effective for teaching students about the moral aspects of the climate change. Grades are used to create the tension between earning individual grade points at the expense of group benefit. This is part of a research project funded by the National Science Foundation.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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Selecting Sites for Renewable Energy Projects part of Library:Teaching with Google Earth:Examples
Students use Google Earth to investigate appropriate locations for a variety of renewable energy projects in the United States. These include projects that use solar energy, bioenergy, hydroelectricity, tidal power, wind energy, wave energy, and geothermal energy.

CLEAN Selected This activity has been selected for inclusion in the CLEAN collection.
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Northwest Passage part of Library:Teaching with Google Earth:Examples
An investigation of changes in polar regions using Google Earth.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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CLEAN Selected This activity has been selected for inclusion in the CLEAN collection.
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The Sleeping Mountain part of Library:Role Playing:Examples
In this role-playing scenario, students represent townspeople whose lives and livelihoods are endangered by an active volcano which may or may not erupt in the near future.

Gold Star Panel Review This activity received a gold star rating from a Panel Peer Review.
See the activity page for details.

The Lifestyle Project part of Library:Experience-Based Environmental Projects
This three-week project challenges students to learn about environmental alternatives by modifying their own lifestyles. Throughout the project, students reduce their impacts on the environment by changing the way in which they live from day to day.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.
CLEAN Selected This activity has been selected for inclusion in the CLEAN collection.
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Where is that feature on a map? part of Library:Spatial Reasoning with GeoClick Questions:Examples
To help ensure students understand where the features mentioned in class are located, students are shown a map or aerial image of a location that will be discussed and asked to click on the location. The results are displayed with points or as a heat map at the front of the class and then discussed.

National Parks Jigsaw part of Library:Jigsaws:Examples
This jigsaw exercise has students study national parks from different perspectives. Groups can be divided up depending on the nature of the class: historian, meteorologist, geologist, and biologist.

Names in the Field: A Simple GPS Field Exercise part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
Simple field exercise to introduce the concepts of GPS position data acquisition. Students "write" words in a field and upload the data to map it in GIS or spreadsheet software.

Environmental Reconnaissance of a Salt Marsh part of Library:Teaching with Google Earth:Examples
This is a field and computer laboratory exercise that introduces undergraduate students, advanced high school students, and members of the general public to using Google Earth, GPS, aerial imagery, and an online ...

The Lifestyle Project at the University of North Dakota part of Library:Experience-Based Environmental Projects
I use the Lifestyle Project in my Introduction to Environmental Issues class. This 3-week project asks students to make changes to their everyday environmental habits. This helps students realize that they have control of their lives and they can make decisions and make changes if they want to. And, given this empowerment, students can think about their impacts on Earth and their obligations to the planet and our society.

The Lifestyle Project at Vancouver Island University, British Columbia part of Library:Experience-Based Environmental Projects
The project is used in two courses, both with the theme of understanding the environmental implications of our use of energy, exploring personal energy use, and learning about the types of energy available to Canadians. One is a face-to-face course for Education majors, the other is an on-line course available to all upper-level (3rd and 4th year) students.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Contour Basics: JAVA Mac/PC part of Library:Teaching with Visualizations:Visualization Examples
A great on-line resource for introducing students to contour plots.

Image Classification part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
An exercise to use a simple image analysis program to classify land surface types seen in satellite imagery in order to analyze changes in landscape development over time.

The Lifestyle Project at the University of Redlands part of Library:Experience-Based Environmental Projects
This three-week project begins with a measurement of "baseline" consumptive behavior followed by two weeks of working to reduce the use of water, energy, high-impact foods, and other materials. The ...

The Lifestyle Project at West Chester University of Pennsylvania part of Library:Experience-Based Environmental Projects
This five-week project asks students to examine the environmental outcomes of their lifestyle choices, to investigate and try out more sustainable choices, and to write about their experiences.

GPS Treasure Hunt part of Library:Games:Examples
Students are divided into teams, each of which is given a list of instructions and a GPS unit, and sent to find certain locations. At each stop, they identify a particular building stone or a plant.

When is Dinner Served? Predicting the Spring Phytoplankton Bloom in the Gulf of Maine (College Level) part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
College-level adaptation of the Earth Exploration Toolbook chapter. Students explore the critical role phytoplankton play in the marine food web.

Looking into Earth with GIS (College Level) part of Library:Teaching with GIS:Examples
College-level adaptation of the Earth Exploration Toolbook chapter. Students work with a free GIS program, ArcVoyager SE, to explore earthquake data and plate tectonics.

Annotating Change in Satellite Images part of Library:Teaching with Data:Examples
During this exercise, students compare a series of satellite images taken 3-4 years apart to investigate the effects of human land use and annotate the images using ImageJ software.