Example JiTT Exercises

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Cartes Postales de TV5 Monde part of Examples
In this exercise, students will take a virtual tour of a city where French is spoken and write a postcard based on the places that they "visit". Postcards will be sent to classmates and the instructor. They will be judged for cultural interest and linguistic accuracy.

Subject: Languages:French

Saveurs sans frontières: Learn French through Gastronomy part of Examples
Students participate in a JiTT activity where they watch an online video on Tahitian cooking and do self-correcting exercises to check listening comprehension. They then make note of new vocabulary to use during a culture discussion at the next class meeting.

Subject: Languages:French, Geography:Human/Cultural

Today's Front Pages: Today's News in the Target Language part of Examples
Students participate in a JiTT activity to read the front pages of two target language newspapers and to report the content to their classmates in the target language. When this exercise is done on a regular basis, it can result in increasing vocabulary and speech fluency.

Subject: Languages, Geography

Magazine Francophone: La Femme et la Francophonie part of Examples
The video "Femmes francophones, Pouvoir et développement" provides insight on the evolving role of women in business and positions of power throughout the Francophone world. The activity accompanying the video allows students to shape their perceptions of the issues and achievements of Francophone women.

Subject: Languages:French, Sociology

VOCES: Spanish for Heritage Learners Introductory Exercise part of Examples
This is a just in time activity that uses a Spanish for the bilingual student website to launch a classroom discussion on cultural and linguistic identity. Students listen to three native speakers talk about their lives in their countries and their transition to life in the university in America. They then talk about their own experience, in class and on a discussion board.

Subject: Languages