Example JiTT Exercises

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JiTT-Scientific Method part of Examples
A "Just in Time Teaching" question about he scientific method with follow-up class room activities and an exam question.

Subject: Biology, Environmental Science

JiTT - Dam Removal - A Good Idea or Not? part of Examples
1) What are some of the biological effects of dam removal (good and bad)? 2) What are some of the more pressing/compelling reasons to remove a dam? Explain. 3) The Stanley and Doyle (2003) article states that, ...

Subject: Biology:Ecology:Habitats:Freshwater, Geoscience:Geology, Environmental Science:Ecosystems:Restoration/Reclamation, Geoscience:Hydrology:Surface Water:Water Management and Policy

JiTT - Life on the Moon and Mars part of Examples
1) Based on "Microbial Colony in US..." article, what are Archaea? 2) From the same article, which of the following is NOT evidence to support life on Mars? a) Mars' subsurface groundwater system b) ...

Subject: Geoscience:Lunar and Planetary Science, Biology

JiTT - La Brea Tar Pits part of Examples
1) What is "tar" and how does it form? 2) List the animals that have been uncovered in the tar pits that you didn't know were native to North America. Why do you think these animals are now extinct? ...

Subject: Biology:Evolution

JiTT - Neanderthals and Modern Humans part of Examples
1) What are Neanderthals? How do they differ from modern humans? 2) Discuss some of the new ideas as to why early human ancestors dispersed from Africa. 3) What are DNA studies telling us about human migrations and ...

Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Historical Geology, Biology:Evolution

JiTT - When "Modern" Human Behavior Appeared in Early Hominids part of Examples
1) What is this controversy in regards to the emergence of "modern" human behavior? In your opinion, what do you think "modern" human behavior means? 2) How do beads symbolize modern human ...

Subject: Geoscience:Geology, Biology:Evolution

JiTT - The Big 5 Extinctions and Then Some part of Examples
1) What are the three leading ideas for the cause of the Permian mass extinction? What is the evidence for and against each? 2) Why are tropical forest species going extinct the quickest? 3) What are the ...

Subject: Biology:Evolution

JiTT - Life in the Sahara Desert part of Examples
1) Was the Sahara always a desert? How do we know? (*NOTE: for this question, I want you to focus on the physical environment) 2) What modern-day animals can be found in the desert? How do they survive? 3) Why have ...

Subject: Biology:Ecology:Habitats:Terrestrial, Geoscience:Geology

JiTT - Are Primates Worth Saving? part of Examples
1) What are some of the reasons extinction rates are so high for modern primates? 2) Why are some primates worth more dead than alive? Is there a way we as a society can change this? Explain your thoughts. 3) If ...

Subject: Biology:Ecology:Principles, Environmental Science:Ecosystems:Habitats, Biology:Diversity

JiTT - Darwin Garden part of Examples
1) Why does biodiversity in an ecosystem "matter"? 2) Describe Darwin's garden experiment and the significance of it. 3) So Darwin figured out the connection between biodiversity and ecosystem health ...

Subject: Environmental Science:Ecosystems:Ecology, Biology:Ecology:Principles, Environmental Science:Ecosystems:Biodiversity, Biology:Diversity