New Articles Available on the SAGE Musings Blog
published May 15, 2018 12:00am
The Supporting and Advancing Geoscience Education at Two-Year Colleges (SAGE2YC) project is building a national network of faculty and administrators at 2YCs who use evidence-based practices to support the academic success of all students; broaden participation in geoscience and STEM; facilitate students' professional pathways in the geosciences; and catalyze change.
The SAGE Musings blog features bi-weekly posts related to these project goals. Although written for geoscience faculty at two-year colleges, most posts are relevant for any STEM faculty member. The most recent posts on the SAGE Musings blog focus on using guided pathways to increase degree completion rates, how lessons from biology education—including strategies to incorporate inclusivity and diversity in the classroom— are relevant to teaching geoscience, the impact of social-psychological interventions on academic trajectories, and strategies for facilitating students' professional development in the geosciences.
Check out these additions to the growing collection of SAGE Musings blog posts.