Should your restaurant shut down? part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Acting as a restaurant owner students use data on fixed and variables costs, including an unspecified implicit cost of owner's time, to determine if the restaurant should stay open over the weekend before ...
How can we adjust student college benefits for the cost of living? part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Student teams predict the impact of college proposal to adjust financial aid based on inflation measured by the CPI. Students must use concepts related to the construction of price indices.
The Tax Game: What are fair and effective tax rates? part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Based on an online simulation teams choose from five tax regimes that each collect the same tax revenue but do so with different tax rates. Teams predict the impact of their tax choices and then, based on the ...
What are effective public policies for the heroin market? part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Based on a supply/demand model with inelastic demand, student teams evaluate policy options for government intervention in the heroin market.
Should a merger be approved in US ice cream market? part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Given data on the US ice cream market (for premium and all store-bought ice cream) teams evaluate a proposed merger between Nestle and Dreyers.
Impact of the Federal Deficit part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Using a fable about "King Big Debt" teams examine four possible outcomes of deficit spending: monetizing the debt; external debt; crowding out; and Keynesian crowding in. Teams must select which outcome ...
Pricing at Panamint Valley Gas: A contestable monopoly part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Teams use cost and revenue data to determine the best price for a contestable monopoly, a gas station in Panamint Valley, California, 50 miles from the nearest gas station.
Elasticity and tax incidence part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
This is a two part application exercise. In the first part groups estimate the impact of a property tax on an individual's rent. In the second part groups analyze the impact of a sugar tax on the price of soft ...
Game theory between TBL teams part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Using a game theory one-time pay-off matrix, student teams first predict the outcome and then play the game to see what occurs.
Macrosimulation: What to do in stagflation? part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
Based on an online macroeconomic simulation for an economy with stagflation, teams choose from a selection of fiscal and monetary policies for one year. The simulation then shows the results of the choice that can ...
What counts in GDP part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Team-Based Learning:Activities
This is a two part application exercise. In the first part groups evaluate whether or not five different economic activities should be counted in national measures of production such as GDP. In a second part ...
Impact of federal deficits part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Cooperative Learning:Examples
Based on a fable about government debt, students identify the relevance of crowding out, monetizing a debt, external debt, and stimulus spending.
Counting GDP part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Cooperative Learning:Examples
Working in small groups, students determine how 18 items are included in GDP (or if they are excluded.) Cards turned over one at a time encourage participation by all group members.
Economies of scale part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Cooperative Learning:Examples
Working in groups of three, students analyze economies of scale. Each student constructs an individual short-run ATC curve, then the three students collaborate to determine if there are economies or diseconomies of scale and to create the long run ATC.
Shape of the demand curve part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Interactive Lecture Demonstrations:Examples
A classroom auction reveals reservation prices and a demand curve for an introductory economics course.
The unemployment rate for the class part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Interactive Lecture Demonstrations:Examples
After predicting what the unemployment rate will be for students in the class, a confidential survey modeled on the Current Population Survey questions is used to gather data about each student's employment. Students use this data to measure the class unemployment rate and then assess its accuracy.
Monopoly gas station part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Interactive Lecture Demonstrations:Examples
Students predict then calculate and graph profit-maximizing the price for an isolated, desert monopoly gas station.
Price elasticity of demand survey part of Starting Point: Teaching and Learning Economics:Teaching Methods:Interactive Lecture Demonstrations:Examples
Students survey class members to estimate the price elasticity of demand for a number of goods and services.
Interactive Lecture Demonstrations part of Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience:Interactive Lecture Demonstrations
Created by Dorothy Merritts, Robert Walter (Franklin & Marshall College), Bob MacKay (Clark College). Enhanced by Mark Maier with assistance from Rochelle Ruffer, Sue Stockly and Ronald Thornton Interactive ...