Joshua Villalobos
Geological Sciences, Geological Sciences
El Paso Community College
Website Content Contributions
Course Modules (4)
Unit 6: Groundwater Availability and Resources part of Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources
Students will utilize the desert Southwest region of the United States and the Ogallala Aquifer in a case study to evaluate issues regarding groundwater and its scarcity. Groundwater is often seen as a limitless ...
Learn more about this review process.
Essay (1)
Increasing Participation in the Geosciences at El Paso Community College part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Broadening Access to the Earth and Environmental Sciences:Essays
Community Colleges currently serve 44% of all undergraduate students and 45% of all of all first time freshmen in the US. The combined low cost and flexibility of community colleges has also meant that they accommodate a large percentage of minorities entering higher education. Hispanics now constitute 15% of the general population and 19% of college population in the US. This increase has led to more Institutions being designated HSI (Hispanic Serving Institutions) by the federal government, where at least 25 percent of the full-time-equivalent students are Latino.
Conference Presentations (2)
SLATES: SERVICE-LEARNING FOR TWO-YEAR AND FOUR-YEAR COLLEGE STUDENTS IN THE EL PASO, TEXAS REGION (2017-2021) part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2022:Program:Poster Sessions:Wednesday Poster Session
The SLATES (Service Learning Activities Targeting the Earth Sciences) program is focused on expanding service learning opportunities for undergraduates at the Hispanic serving University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) ...
Implementation of InTeGrate Modules in the El Paso Higher Education Community part of Rendezvous 2015:Program:Abstracts
We have tested InTeGrate (Interdisciplinary Teaching about Earth for a Sustainable Future) modules on climate change, earth materials and freshwater in introductory geology and environmental science courses taught ...
Other Contributions (2)
University of Texas El Paso - Broadening Access to the Earth Sciences Across The El Paso Higher Education Community part of Integrate:Program Design:InTeGrate Program Models:UTEP
This collaboration between faculty at the University of Texas El Paso (UTEP), El Paso Community College, and early college high schools in the El Paso area aimed to create a strong pathway for underrepresented ...
Connecting Science to Issues of Sustainability and Environmental Justice part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2017:Program:Morning Workshops:Connecting Science to Issues of Sustainability and Environmental Justice
As natural resources become more scarce, an increasing percentage of the world's underprivileged population is facing issues of inequality and abuse in the distribution, and use, of these commodities. This ...
July 2017 Teach the Earth
Geo2YC Community
InTeGrate Materials Developers
Workshop Leader (6 workshops)
April 2019SAGE 2YC SoCal-1 2017 Workshop
August 2017Career Prep Workshop 2015
May 2015
Workshop Participant (5 workshops)
July 2017 SAGE2YC TX 2013 Workforce Workshop
May 2013 Preparing Students in Two-year Colleges
July 2012