
The NSF-funded National Collaborative for Research on Food, Energy, and Water Education (NC-FEW) is hosting a March 2025 invited conference, Education Research and Practice in the FEW-Nexus, to bring together participants from diverse disciplines to highlight significant accomplishments by FEW-Nexus-based education researchers and practitioners. Poster sessions, focused breakout discussions, and oral presentations, will allow attendees share their successes and lessons learned. Sessions will include a grant-writing best practices exchange led by NC-FEW leadership, discussions on upcoming grant opportunities, and reflections on next steps for the NC-FEW initiative. The leadership team will highlight the project's key achievements, acknowledge contributors, and outline a vision for sustaining and advancing the NC-FEW community's impact.


The primary goals of the 2025 Research and Practice in the FEW-Nexus conference are to:

  1. Foster idea exchange among education researchers and practitioners who are engaged in FEW-Nexus-based education
  2. Position participants to continue to collabotatively innovate NEW-Nexus-based education into the future


March 27-28, 2025

Conference begins at 8:00 am Central on Thursday, March 27 and ends at 12:00 pm Central on Friday, March 28.


To maximize the impact of time together at the conference, attendees will be expected to develop or update an existing member profile page prior to attending. Details will be communicated to accepted participants upon selection for attending the conference.

At the conference, participants will be present and engaged for the entire 2 days, which includes large-group and break-out sessions. Participants will be expected to follow the NC-FEW event code of conduct.

Travel Support

Accepted participants will be provided free shuttle service to and from the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport (MSP) to Northfield, hotel accommodation in Northfield for the evenings of Wednesday, March 26 and Thursday, March 27, all meals during the conference (breakfast Thursday through lunch Friday) and a travel stipend of up to $400 based on need. If additional travel funds are needed, the organizers will do our best to meet the needs of each participant.

Application and selection criteria

The abstract deadline has been extended to January 27, 2025.

An important goal of the conference is to showcase work that has been accomplished in advancing FEW Nexus-based education. As such, potential participants are encouraged to submit an abstract to be presented at the conference and included in the conference proceedings. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to register for the conference in early February 2025. We welcome abstracts from individuals with interests and experience in a variety of educational settings, including post-secondary, PK-12, informal education, non-formal education, and more.

Check out the Call for Abstracts page »

The abstracts for the conference will be submitted through the Purdue e-Pubs system. Applicants will need to create a Purdue account to submit an abstract. If you are ready to submit an abstract, follow the links below to the Purdue e-Pubs system:

View Purdue Overview » Submit your abstract »

If all conference participant spots are not filled by abstract authors, there will be a call for additional applicants posted in early February 2025.


The conference will be hosted at the Carleton College Weitz Center for Creativity in Northfield, MN. All conference activities will be at this center, which is within walking distance of the conference hotels. Participants will have the opportunity to communicate specific accomodation needs during the registration process.

For More Information

For more information about the conference program, please contact Anil Kumar Chaudhary (auk259"at"psu.edu) or Hannah Scherer (hscherer"at"vt.edu). For specific logistical information, please contact Brianna Douglas (bdouglas"at"carleton.edu). For technical help with the application or website, please contact Rory McFadden (rmcfadden"at"carleton.edu).