The Math You Need, When You Need It 2012:
A workshop for faculty teaching introductory geoscience
Initial Publication Date: January 21, 2012
July 26-28, 2012, Highline Community College, Seattle, WA
This workshop provides an opportunity for faculty teaching introductory geoscience to increase the quantitative content of their courses. In this day-and-a-half workshop participants:
- learn about successful expansion of this program to 12 varied institutions
- modify a course to include quantitative content using online resources
- design an implementation unique to his/her course and institution
- create a webpage about ways they plan to implement the resource in their course (see last year's implementation plans for examples)
- discuss ways of overcoming difficulties in teaching quantitative skills
- collaborate with other participants to integrate this resource into courses that successfully develop students' quantitative skills
- contribute to improving TMYN effectiveness
Workshop conveners:
Eric Baer, Highline Community College, Geology
Helen Burn, Highline Community College, Mathematics
Jennifer Wenner, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Geology
Workshop leaders:
Gretchen Miller, Wake Technical Community College
Elizabeth Gordon, Fitchburg State University
Kyle Fredrick, California University of Pennsylvania
Brett Dooley, Patrick Henry Community College
Kate Kramer, McHenry County College
Workshop operational costs as well as room, board and travel costs for participants are covered by grants from the National Science Foundation (DUE-0920800 and DUE-0920583.)
March 10: Application Due
March 20: Participants notified of acceptance
May 30: Complete workshop registration and transportation arrangements made.
July 26: Workshop participants arrive by 5 pm
July 28: Workshop ends by 2 pm.
Logistics and Location
The workshop takes place at Highline Community College, just south of Seattle, Washington. Sea-Tac Airport is just 3 miles from the conference hotel and meeting area, and a shuttle will be available to all participants. For those who wish to visit areas of geologic interest before or after the workshop, Mount St. Helens, the Channeled Scablands, North Cascades National Park, Mount Rainier, and the Olympic mountains are all within a couple of hours drive.
Application Process
Each applicant is asked to submit an application with information about their courses, school and students.
Selection Criteria
Workshop participants were chosen based on geographic location, institution type and course type so that our group of participants represent a wide variety of institutions, introductory geoscience courses, student populations and geographic settings.
For more information
Contact the conveners, Eric Baer (ebaer 'at' or Jennifer Wenner (wenner 'at'