Reinforcing Quantitative Skills in Geoscience Classes
a workshop for faculty teaching grades 9-14

Moscone North 124, Wednesday, December 7, 2011, 8-noon at the Fall Meeting of AGU

The goal of this workshop is to provide participants with a variety of exemplars that support the integration of quantitative reasoning skills into geoscience courses taught to grades 9-14. The approach is to build relevance for skills students acquired in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry through lessons, activities, and labs ranging from quick, back-of-the-envelope solutions and order-of-magnitude estimation to full labs with more complex data analysis all within the context of geoscience problems. Drawing on examples from across the spectrum of the Earth science curriculum, participants will explore the possibilities focused on students taking a "deeper dive" into understanding geoscience concepts supported by a more quantitative approach. We will also provide ideas for assessment of students' quantitative learning. This workshop is being sponsored by NAGT and AGU Education.

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