Workshop Agenda

Plan to arrive by 5:00pm on Wednesday, September 18th and to depart after 3:30pm on Friday, September 20th.

Wednesday, September 18 (Day 1)

Afternoon: Participants Arrive

Evening: Participants meet at the Carleton College Weitz Center , Larsen Room 236

5:00 pm: Icebreaker with cash-only bar and "gallery-walk" poster session

5:30 pm: Welcome, introductions, and reminder of goals of workshop- Juli & Ellen

6:00 pm: Dinner

7:00 pm: Measuring success, developing a community of practice (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 89kB Sep19 13)- Jen

7:15 pm: Interactive Session: Mini lessons on the Cutting Edge of effective teaching- Cathy

Thursday, September 19 (Day 2)

+6:00 am: Complimentary breakfast at the Northfield Country Inn
*All workshop activities will take place at Carleton College,
Weitz Center Room 236

8:30 am: Workshop overview, program, and objectives (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 7.9MB Sep19 13)- Juli, Ellen, Andy, Jeff

8:45 am: Importance of this project to geoscience education- Cathy

9:00 am: Field testing: Methods (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 424kB Sep19 13)
Goals, approach, participant responsibilities, recruiting and importance- Jeff

9:15 am: Review of mini-lesson assessment design (PowerPoint 845kB Sep19 13)-Ellen, Kristin

View the Workspace discussion in the participant workspace

9:45-10:00 am: Coffee Break

10:00-11:00 am: Break-out Session #1 – Initiative Teams

Objectives:Teams review their accomplishments to date; identify gaps that need in-filling; itemize questions, challenges, opportunities.

11:00-12:00 am: Teams report-out on break-outs #1 and summarize mini-lesson progress

12:00-12:30 pm: Incorporating MARGINS Mini-Lessons & Cutting-Edge materials- Andy

12:30-1:30: Lunch – Carleton College, Language and Dining Center

1:30-4:30 pm Break-out Session # 2 – Working Time to Refine Mini-Lessons

(A) Teams refine mini-lessons and complete on-line entries:

  1. Are learning goals clearly established and stated?
  2. What are planned assessment methods, how will they be integrated into lesson plans, what data will be collected and analyzed?
  3. What are the scoring rubrics to be used for assessment?
  4. Are necessary data sets and related materials included?
  5. What are gaps in the mini-lessons, can they be filled with existing materials?

(B) What course frameworks are most appropriate for mini-lesson placement?

(C) Jen Beck carries out 30 min interviews with each team, cycling through break-outs.

3:30-3:45 pm: Coffee Break & Poster Session

5:30 pm: Review of progress, what to consider for Friday morning report-out, and open discussion

5:30 pm: Road check - Jen

5:40 pm: Incorporating MARGINS and Cutting Edge materials; Fitting mini-lessons into "common" course frameworks (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 52kB Sep20 13) -Andy

6:10 pm: Discussion

7:00 pm- Dinner (Small working groups can assemble for dinner - a list of local restaurants in walking distance will be provided)

Evening Hours: Flexible working time for initiative teams, in prep for Friday wrap-up

9:00 pm: Contented Cow Reprise

Friday, September 20 (Day 3)

+6:00 am: Complimentary breakfast at the Northfield Country Inn

8:30 am: Initiative teams report out on:

  • Specific plans for completion - mini-lessons, initiative "shell"
    • Upload all materials to website
    • Develop/adapt introductory materials
    • Finalize assessment plans, aligned with goals
  • One example mini-lesson, with focus on assessment, how aligns with goals
  • Discussion; Q&A

10:00-10:30 am: Coffee Break & Poster Session

10:00 am:Break-out #3 - Additional working time

Concurrent: Plan for field testing mini-lessons in the classroom (Gus & Juli)

11:00 am: Looking forward (TBA)

Interactive teaching resources:

11:30 pm: Wrap up and end of workshop survey

12:00 pm: Adjourn

Depart Friday afternoon