Workshop Agenda
Plan to arrive by 5:00pm on Wednesday, September 18th and to depart after 3:30pm on Friday, September 20th.
Wednesday, September 18 (Day 1)
Afternoon: Participants Arrive
Evening: Participants meet at the Carleton College Weitz Center , Larsen Room 236
5:00 pm: Icebreaker with cash-only bar and "gallery-walk" poster session
5:30 pm: Welcome, introductions, and reminder of goals of workshop- Juli & Ellen
6:00 pm: Dinner
7:00 pm: Measuring success, developing a community of practice (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 89kB Sep19 13)- Jen
7:15 pm: Interactive Session: Mini lessons on the Cutting Edge of effective teaching- Cathy
- Pedagogic framework (private workspace)
- Checklist for mini-lesson design from 2009 MARGINS curriculum workshop
Thursday, September 19 (Day 2)
+6:00 am: Complimentary breakfast at the Northfield Country Inn
*All workshop activities will take place at Carleton College, Weitz Center Room 236
8:30 am: Workshop overview, program, and objectives (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 7.9MB Sep19 13)- Juli, Ellen, Andy, Jeff
8:45 am: Importance of this project to geoscience education- Cathy
9:00 am: Field testing: Methods (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 424kB Sep19 13)
Goals, approach, participant responsibilities, recruiting and importance- Jeff
9:15 am: Review of mini-lesson assessment design (PowerPoint 845kB Sep19 13)-Ellen, Kristin
View the Workspace discussion in the participant workspace
9:45-10:00 am: Coffee Break
10:00-11:00 am: Break-out Session #1 – Initiative Teams
Objectives:Teams review their accomplishments to date; identify gaps that need in-filling; itemize questions, challenges, opportunities.
11:00-12:00 am: Teams report-out on break-outs #1 and summarize mini-lesson progress
12:00-12:30 pm: Incorporating MARGINS Mini-Lessons & Cutting-Edge materials- Andy
12:30-1:30: Lunch – Carleton College, Language and Dining Center
1:30-4:30 pm Break-out Session # 2 – Working Time to Refine Mini-Lessons
(A) Teams refine mini-lessons and complete on-line entries:
- Are learning goals clearly established and stated?
- What are planned assessment methods, how will they be integrated into lesson plans, what data will be collected and analyzed?
- What are the scoring rubrics to be used for assessment?
- Are necessary data sets and related materials included?
- What are gaps in the mini-lessons, can they be filled with existing materials?
(B) What course frameworks are most appropriate for mini-lesson placement?
(C) Jen Beck carries out 30 min interviews with each team, cycling through break-outs.
3:30-3:45 pm: Coffee Break & Poster Session
5:30 pm: Review of progress, what to consider for Friday morning report-out, and open discussion
5:30 pm: Road check - Jen
5:40 pm: Incorporating MARGINS and Cutting Edge materials; Fitting mini-lessons into "common" course frameworks (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 52kB Sep20 13) -Andy
- Drummond 2008 JGE article: An Analysis of the Bachelor of Science in Geology Degree as Offered in the United States
6:10 pm: Discussion
7:00 pm- Dinner (Small working groups can assemble for dinner - a list of local restaurants in walking distance will be provided)
Evening Hours: Flexible working time for initiative teams, in prep for Friday wrap-up
9:00 pm: Contented Cow Reprise
Friday, September 20 (Day 3)
+6:00 am: Complimentary breakfast at the Northfield Country Inn
8:30 am: Initiative teams report out on:
- Specific plans for completion - mini-lessons, initiative "shell"
- Upload all materials to website
- Develop/adapt introductory materials
- Finalize assessment plans, aligned with goals
- One example mini-lesson, with focus on assessment, how aligns with goals
- Discussion; Q&A
10:00-10:30 am: Coffee Break & Poster Session
10:00 am:Break-out #3 - Additional working time
Concurrent: Plan for field testing mini-lessons in the classroom (Gus & Juli)
- Review, complete matrix for field testing each lesson, recruiting outside testers
11:00 am: Looking forward (TBA)
- Disseminating mini-lessons to the community
- Building a community of practice
- Gathering and analyzing assessment data
- Evaluating the project
- Other unfinished business
- Copyright for website. See InTeGrate copyright statement. Try Creative Commons search engine ( This site may be offline. ) for general photos
Interactive teaching resources:
- Interactive lectures
- Interactive lecture demonstrations
- Many more techniques on the Pedagogy in Action site
11:30 pm: Wrap up and end of workshop survey
12:00 pm: Adjourn
Depart Friday afternoon