In advance
- participants submit photo and introduction
- working groups established with mini lessons to complete
- participants look at mini-lesson ideas submitted by their group
Workshop location: Ground floor seminar room, Comer Geochemistry building, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.
Thursday May 28
8:00 - 8:30 AM Continental breakfast in seminar room
8:30 - 9:00 AM Opening Remarks, Workshop Goals, Introductions
9:00 - 10:00 AM What Makes a Good Mini-Lesson (Cathy) - This session will bring the experience of the people who have reviewed mini-lessons into a discussion of good pedagogy along with information from educational research. Powerpoint Presentation (PowerPoint 570kB May28 09)
10:00 - 10:30 AM Data Tools for Mini-Lessons -
10:30 - 10:45 AM Break
10:45 - 11:45 AM Initial discussion among groups regarding their reactions to the submitted mini-lessons and how they can best use the workshop to improve them. Start work. Each team will have a mixture of two people who submitted lessons, and one who has completed an assessment.
11:45 AM -12:00 PM Progress report
12:00 -1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 - 5:00 PM Working time
Experts on Tools, Science, Pedagogy, Assessment available for help
5:00 - 5:45 PM Reflections on the day- What lessons did we learn about creating strong activities and presenting them to other faculty. Each activity is assigned to two new reviewers. This review considers closely the information provided to faculty in addition to the design of the activity. Road check.
Participants complete the End of Day Roadcheck
Questions to Consider when Designing or Reviewing Activities
Group 1
Stacia Gordon, University of California; Santa Barbara - Reviewer
Laura Reiser Wetzel, Eckerd College - What Kind of Continental Margin am I? Active or Passive?, News Flash: MARGINS Discovery Oral Presentation
Lonnie Liethold, North Carolina State University - Sediment production and distribution across the margins
Group 2
Laura Mallard, Appalachian State University - Reviewer
Cecilia McHugh, Queens College; CUNY - Sedimentation and Anthropogenic Impact Along the New York-New Jersey Continental Margin and Associated Estuaries Using Google Earth and GeoMapApp
Leslie Sautter, College of Charleston - Margin Morphology: Does form follow function?
Group 3
Karen Bemis, Rutgers University - What Kind of Continental Margin am I? Active or Passive?
Andrew Newman, Georgia Tech - From Ocean Topography to Flexural Rigidity
Jeff Ryan, University of South Florida - Plate Tectonics as Expressed in Geological Landforms and Events: An Exploration using Google Earth and GeoMapApp
Group 4
Gerry Simila, CSU Northridge - Reviewer
Susan Bilek, New Mexico Tech - Reviewer
Rosemary Hickey-Vargas, Florida International University - What can (and cannot) be learned from scientific drilling using examples from Margins initiatives
Group 5
James Conder, Southern Illinois University - Reviewer
Michael Carr, Rutgers University- Volcanoes of Central America
Elisabeth Nadin, California Institute of Technology - Sea Level Change and Historical Earthquakes of Sumatra from Coral Growth Rings
Group 6
Annika Johansson, LDEO - Using Geochemical Proxies to Trace Sediment Sources
Glenn Spinelli, New Mexico Tech - Burial, compaction, and porosities in a subduction zone
Sandra Swenson, John Jay College; CUNY - Reviewer
Group 7
Andrew Goodliffe, University of Alabama - A tour of the Mariana subduction system
Stephen Hurst, University of Illinois - Partition of thrust and strike/slip faulting in oblique subduction
Susanne Straub, LDEO - A Volcanic Record Through Time
Group 8
Margaret Benoit, The College of New Jersey - A Geologic Safari of the East African Rift and the Newark Basin: Why These Areas Are More Alike Than You Know
Karin Block, LDEO -
Cindy Palinkas, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science - What Kind of Continental Margin am I? Active or Passive?
6:30 PM Group Dinner at Il Fresco restaurant
Friday May 29
8:00 - 8:30 AM Continental breakfast in seminar room
8:30 - 9:30 AM Finish second set of reviews
9:30 - 10:30 AM Meet with new reviewers to exchange review information.
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Reconvene with original team to make changes based on review.
12:30 PM Activities made live
12:30 - 2:00 PM Working Lunch: Lessons learned, next steps, evaluation
Participants complete End of Workshop Evaluation