Increasing Persistence of All Students in STEM

Use this space to expand on the information given in the summary paragraph on the overview page. You may add any materials that would help describe your program elements, links to other resources, and related documents. This could include paragraphs about mentoring programs, cohort programs, etc.

Increasing Persistence of All Students in STEM -- Discussion  

This post was edited by Kathleen Siwicki on Oct, 2015
It would be interesting to see more information about the logistics of these student research programs. How are students selected? What is the process for matching students with research mentors? Is there an expectation that students will present a poster or submit a written report of their research experience?


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Ah, yes Kathy, I had some of the same questions (see my comment on the cover page). I would love to hear more about how you were able to achieve the extraordinary success that you had with your students. The grad school outcomes are quite impressive.


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Originally Posted by Kathleen Siwicki

It would be interesting to see more information about the logistics of these student research programs. How are students selected? What is the process for matching students with research mentors? Is there an expectation that students will present a poster or submit a written report of their research experience?

Most of that information involving selection of students is on the Google spreadsheet that Deborah Gross sent us. There are several ways in which research mentors are selected by students. In some cases students have already started to work in a faculty research lab and want to stay with the same mentor. In other cases I help accepted students find a mentor based upon the students interests. I then talk to the potential mentors, describe the program and ensure that the students will be actively mentored. All of the undergraduates who are accepted must complete the Research Techniques Facility workbook : . Both scholars and interns present their research, in the form of a talk to the Biology Department early in the fall, and as a Poster or 10 minute talk during the yearly spring Undergraduate Research Conference at Hunter College. Several of our students have won prizes for best talk or best Poster at the Hunter Undergraduate Research Conferences.


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