Fostering Interdisciplinary or Integrative Learning

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Fostering Interdisciplinary or Integrative Learning -- Discussion  

See my questions about the RTF from the previous page. I want to hear more about what you think helps science students transition successfully to college through your experiences with this course.


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- It would help to know more about the RTF.


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I am inferring that RTF includes techniques from different science disciplines? Alternatively, is the integration piece-between biology and education?


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Research Techniques Facility (RTF): gateway course to doing research with faculty regardless of discipline, also used for outreach programs from Biology teachers program to undergraduate summer programs

Bioinformatics initiative: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Statistics majors
Biophysics initiative: resulting in two courses where students learn state-of-the art bio-imaging techniques for light microscopy and electron microscopy


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Originally Posted by aditi pai

I am inferring that RTF includes techniques from different science disciplines? Alternatively, is the integration piece-between biology and education?

At present, the RTF is primarily for biology majors, some biochemistry majors, and some biopsych majors . We plan on having Chemistry and Physics faculty contribute modules to the RTF workbook for their students. The basic modules work for all science students who work in a lab.


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Originally Posted by Catherine Mader

- It would help to know more about the RTF. The RTF website is :


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Originally Posted by Shirley Raps

[quote=Catherine Mader]
- It would help to know more about the RTF. The RTF website is :


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