Initial Publication Date: April 1, 2016

Barnard Resources Already on SERC

Interdisciplinary Environmental Programs: Opportunities and Challenges for Faculty and Students (PowerPoint 2.4MB Nov5 07)

PFIRMAN, Stephanie, Environmental Science, Barnard College
HALL, Sharon, Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Science, Arizona State University
TIETENBERG, Tom, Economics, Colby College
RHOTEN, Diana, Knowledge Institutions, Social Science Reseach Council

Presented in the session Charting the Future of Geological and Environmental Science Undergraduate Programs at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Geological Society.

Brownfield Action

Brownfield Action: Dissemination of a SENCER Model Curriculum and the Creation of a Collaborative STEM Education Network

Peter Bower, Barnard College; Ryan Kelsey, Helmsley Charitable Trust; Bret Bennington, Hofstra University; Lawrence D. Lemke, Wayne State University; Joseph Liddicoat, Barnard College; Briane Sorice Miccio, Professional Children's School; Angelo Lampousis, City College of New York; Doug M. Thompson, Connecticut College; Bess Greenbaum Seewald, Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School; Arthur D. Kney, Lafayette College; Tamara Graham, Haywood Community College, and Saugata Datta, Kansas State University.
Science Education and Civic Engagement, 6:1, winter 2014