Initial Publication Date: January 13, 2021

Explain: Physical Properties of Soil

Teachers may use the following materials to develop lectures, student reading materials, or as resources for further investigations.

Take time to review the discussion questions and conclusions from the labs completed in the prior section of the lesson. Educators may want to incorporate the materials found in the Know Soil Know Life Table 2-1 to build vocabulary and understanding of soils.

Use the graphic to the right, and ask students to consider the impacts of soil texture and other physical properties on farming. Which soils would be the most/least suitable for farming?

Supplemental Reading Materials

Soils Overview (PDF) Soils Overview
Soil Formation (PDF) Soil Formation
Soil Color Soil Color
The Color of Soil (PDF) downloaded the original article from Science Teacher. The Color of Soil
Good background reading and includes a PDF of Wisconsin Soil Colors Wisconsin Soil Colors
Soil Texture (PDF) Soil Texture

Power Point Files available for Educator Use

See this link for the following Activities and PPT Files:
Soil Basics for K12 (IYS-Jan)
Intro to Soil for K-12 Audience (IYS- Jan)
Getting the Dirt on your State Soil (Know your State Soil! PPTX) (IYS-Jan)
Part 1 Soils are Fundamental for Life

Addtional Online Resources

UC Davis Soil Properties Soil Properties