Initial Publication Date: January 13, 2021

Chapter 8: Soils and Society

Chapter Summary

Soil has been influential in almost all aspects of society since the dawning of time. From the houses that we live in, to the food that we eat, to the clothes that we wear. A majority of aspects of our culture and history are tied to the very earth below our feet. From the very best cultural aspects, like art and literature, masterful cuisines and beverages, and medicine, to the very worst in warfare and pollution. Just as the soil has touched our lives, we as humans have also played a profound role on the soils themselves, and by extension, all of the ecosystem services that they provide. These include providing food and filtering water, providing a medium for engineering, providing a recycling system for organic wastes and nutrients, and providing support for plants and climate regulation. This chapter introduces several case studies and examples of humans being inspired by and conversely negatively impacted by the stewardship practices of the land around them.

Learning Objectives

Students who complete this module will know and be able to:

  • Explain why soils are critical to life (including humans) on earth
  • Recognize the roles soil has played in human society including: Art, Music, and Literature
  • Explain the major present-day global challenges to soil: deforestation, salinization, and desertification
  • Explain several methods used to preserve soil health and suggest solutions to the challenges to soil

Essential Questions

  • In what ways do humans use soil?
  • How has the use of soil changed over time?
  • How does society challenge the health of soil and hence society itself?

Big Ideas

  • "Civilization itself rests upon the soil" Thomas Jefferson
  • As human population increases it is even more important that we care for the soil.
  • We are at a crossroads of trying to manage an increasing population on less land space, and humans play a role in the environmental stewardship that can either save or destroy them.

Additional Teaching Materials

KSKL chapter 8 PPT
Click to view

Supplemental Educators PPT file for Chapter 8 (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 32.5MB Apr22 21)
Click the link above to download the file to your desktop or hard drive.

Educators can purchase soil samples and explore a soil painting activity at this source: AGClassroom Soil Samples

Printable Materials

There are no PDF files of Educator materials for this module.
Optional Student Worksheets for this chapter are provided below.

Student Worksheet in PDF for Chapter 8 (Acrobat (PDF) 63kB Nov7 21)
Student Worksheet in Word for Chapter 8 (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 26kB Nov7 21)

Teaching Notes and Tips

Students engage with soil's link to society and culture by examining its use in art, as well as references to soil in literature, and music. They then research historical and modern-day challenges to soil. Students read case studies and present possible solutions to the challenges of deforestation, salinization, and desertification.

Time required : 360 minutes, or 6 class periods
Tools and Technology needed: Computers, PowerPoint.

In this module, students connect soil with historical and present-day societal uses and issues. To complete the module, students complete a variety of readings and activities. Before beginning the module, read through the lessons and acquire needed materials and technology. Download and review the teaching materials, available videos, websites, and PowerPoint files. Print out any handouts that will be needed. In order to reduce the amount of time needed in the classroom, some activities can be assigned as homework or made optional.

Students begin the lesson by making connections between soil and art, literature, and music. In order to gain an appreciation of soil's role in the arts, students are assigned a work to investigate and share with the class. Educators can pick from several sources of references to acquire and assign to students.

Students then work through several examples of human-caused challenges to soil. Educators may choose one of several options to best fit their class. To conclude the module, students work through the Case Studies presented in the Know Soil, Know Life book. This is an open-ended assignment therefore some students will need additional scaffolding in order to complete the task.

Science Standards (NGSS)

Performance Expectations

HS LS2-7

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