Initial Publication Date: January 13, 2021

Explain: It's all Connected to Soil

Teachers may use these materials to develop lectures, student reading materials or as resources for further investigations.

Part A. Soil, Climate, and Biomes are Interconnected

Key Point: Soil, Climate, and Biomes are interconnected.
Time required: 1 hour to read pages and answer questions.

  1. Discuss with students the CLORPT factors influencing soil formation and then ask them to relate these factors to the climate and living plants and animals that are found in the various biomes.
  2. Have students review the following short tutorial-style resource relating soil formation to biomes. Includes good photos. Soil Formation Tutorial
  3. Use the short reading materials and maps found in sections 6.4 and 6.5, linked below. These short reading resources include built-in questions. 6.4 Soil Orders and 6.5 Major Biomes
    Additional background Information on soil orders: Soil Orders
  4. Return to lessons from Module 2 on CLORPT. A simple student worksheet reviewing CLORPT can be found here: CLORPT worksheet 
    Note: Educators will want to download and print the worksheet ahead of class.

Additional Reading Materials