Elementary and Middle School (K-8) Activity Browse

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Primary (K-2)

Results 1 - 20 of 203 matches

Microplastics and marine environment part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
Marine micro-plastics are a relatively recent issue in research (Thompson et al. 2004), in the media and in education and, due to novelty and relevance, they are a suitable topic for addressing Ocean Literacy ...

Melting ice cubes part of Oceanography:Activities
Explore how melting of ice cubes floating in water is influenced by the salinity of the water. Important oceanographic concepts like density and density driven currents are visualized and can be discussed on the ...

Layer Cake Geology part of Paleontology:Activities
This activity visually introduces students to the idea of geologic time and the correlation between time, rock layers and fossils. It uses the familiar, relevant example of cake but teaches important concepts such ...

Youth and Law part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Putting Sustainability into Action workshop:Activities
Students, faculty, staff, and other community volunteers will collaborate in groups with the delivery of a Law-Related Education (LRE)program that goes beyond questions about who, what, when, and where. LRE helps ...

Lab Field Trip program for K-12 Students, Hosted by University Researchers part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
University researchers host K-12 students for a hands-on laboratory field trip that is integrated with science class curriculum and includes mentorship and/or broadening diversity in science activities. Students ...

Antarctic Rock Boxes part of NAGT:Our Resources:Teaching Resources:Teaching Materials Collection
The Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center offers no-cost Rock Boxes for use by educators in both schools and informal learning environments. Each box may be borrowed for one month and contains more than 30 ...

Using Field Observations and Field Experiences to Teach GeoscienceAn Illustrated Community Discussion part of Geoscience in the Field:Field Experiences:Posters
Students use compasses and a map of campus to navigate and find orienteering markers. This lab helps to reinforce map navigation skills. Students enjoyed the activity.

Discovering Plate Boundaries part of Urban Geology:Activities
Discovering Plate Boundaries is a classroom activity designed to introduce students to the process of observing and classifying data, in addition to the fundamentals of plate tectonics.

Ontogeny part of Paleontology:Activities
This activity allows even the youngest of learners to understand what the concept of ontogeny is, relative to humans and also applied to learning about dinosaurs.

Hawaiian Islands: Volcano Ages, Hotspots and Plate Motion part of GeoMapApp Learning Activities:Learning Activities
The ages of volcanic rocks along the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain are used to investigate speed of motion of the Pacific plate, to analyze the distinctive bend in the chain, and to consider the age data in the ...

What makes things move? part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is an inquiry approach to teaching what force is. Students will learn what push, pull, gravity, and friction are.

Investigating Motion: What Causes Objects to Move? part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is a structured inquiry into why objects move and why some objects move farther than others. Students will make predictions on how far an object will move when blown on, blow on the objects, measure the distances they moved and record their findings.

What Lives Down There? part of IODP School of Rock 2020:Teaching Activities
Learners will travel through a process of learning involving reading a book together, comparing video presentations to information within the book, utilize vocabulary to demonstrate expansion of retained ...

Air Is Matter part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This is a series of investigations about air and its properties. How air exists all around us, and things it is capable of doing.

Will the cup of water overflow when the ice melts? part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is an in-class experiment where students predict, observe, and summarize what will happen when ice melts in a cup of water.

Dancing Raisins part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is an entire-class lab experiment that refreshes the concepts of sinking and floating, while introducing the concepts of bouyancy and density using the fizz from sprite (carbon dioxide gas) and raisins.

Observing,Comparing and Classifying Rocks part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activitiy is a lab experience where students observe, compare and classify rocks. Close examination of a variety of rocks reveals their differences and can also spark questions regarding their origins.

Creating understanding how metamorphic rock is formed part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity gives a visual representation of how we are able to see the different layers of metamorphic rocks.

Investigating Liquids: Color Changing Milk part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This experiment is a lab activity in which students will learn how different liquids react when put together.

Growing Lima Beans: Do We Really Need Dirt? part of MnSTEP Teaching Activity Collection:MnSTEP Activity Mini-collection
This activity is an indoor lab investigation where students compare and contrast different growing environments for a lima bean seed and discover the optimal conditions needed for growth.