Elementary and Middle School (K-8) Activity Browse
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Where on Earth were the reefs through geologic time? part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
Students explore the geographic distribution of reefs through geologic time. Students map fossil occurrences of reef forming organisms on modern and paleogeographic reconstructions using the Paleobiology Database. ...
Understanding the Age of the Ocean Floor part of IODP School of Rock 2020:Teaching Activities
In part 1, Students will use data collected during DSDP Leg 3 to plot the age of the sea floor at distances away from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. In part 2, they learn about paleomagnetic evidence and learn about the ...
Build Your Own Earth part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
Build Your Own Earth is a freely available web site to explore the factors that affect Earth's climate. Climate model simulations reveal the annual distributions of 50 different quantities. An accompanying ...
The Cosmic Calendar part of Rates and Time:Teaching Activities
In this activity, one takes ALL of time, from the beginning of time (i.e., the Big Bang) all the way up to today, but one compresses it into one year. One can do this for all levels of students depending on how ...
Calculating the radius of the Earth part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Teaching the Methods of Geoscience:Activities
Science students often have difficulty thinking about large spatial scales. The purpose of the exercise is to redo Eratosthenes' calculation of the radius of the Earth using data from to sites in ancient Egypt. The excercise teaches about the methodology of science - how Eratothenes figured it out - rather than worried about what the "right" answer is. It can also be used to discuss the role of models in geological thinking.
Relative Dating of Geologic Materials part of Teacher Preparation:Resource Collections:Activities
This lessons allows students to constuct the basic principals used to understand relative geologic time and the skills used to construct the geologic time scale.
What Lives Down There? part of IODP School of Rock 2020:Teaching Activities
Learners will travel through a process of learning involving reading a book together, comparing video presentations to information within the book, utilize vocabulary to demonstrate expansion of retained ...
Community College Geology Outreach Lesson Plan part of Introductory Courses:Activities
The activity is to give an introduction to geology including plate motion, types of rocks, and deep-time to elementary students to develop an interest and appreciation in the geosciences. Its strengths include ...