I've both attended and presented. I definitely think it is valuable to partner with The Story Collider organization - they have a network already in place and ways to promote the event to their audiences (which would contain individuals not already in IODP/SERC circles). For the event I participated in, AGU assisted in inviting speakers, and someone from Story Collider provided training and helped each speaker outline and practice their talk. This was so helpful in strengthening my personal story and how to take the audience on a narrative journey with me, instead of having a speaker prepare on their own. The GoMRI event took place one evening during the AGU Fall Meeting - but then you would fall into scientists speaking to scientists if it is held at AGU again. To broaden the audience, I'd think of holding the event in connection with a different conference - maybe something like NSTA to reach science teachers (and since the talks are typically recorded, teachers could share the audio recordings with their classrooms if appropriate), or partner with a science museum in a city with one of their citywide science festivals (Academy of Natural Sciences or The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, for example). I'm more than happy to discuss more, if you'd like more details about the experience!
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