Members: Randi Wold-Brennon, Kira Homola, Brandi Murphy, Marlo Garnsworthy, Susanne Straub, Kevin Kurtz, Emily Estes, Rehemat Bhatia, Deborah Tangunan
Tell a story, ideally through something that resonates with the audience
Mailing lists aren’t terribly effective as it’s hard to find people for that list that aren’t already involved
Schools are easier than libraries/museums because you have a good idea of attendance in advance
Parents get excited when kids get excited
Connecting with the individual so they feel like a part of the science
Philippines part of AGU program, collaborated with childrens museum, “seas and oceans” storybook that the children read to the adults after a lesson from storytellers, microscopes with foram sands to look at
Something that children can hold and interact with