« Advancing Scientific Ocean Drilling Impact through Informing Policymakers
I'm a geochemical oceanographer with a taste for adventure! Aside from going to sea on research vessels, the best part of my job as a scientist is sharing what I do with everyone I meet. It's a pleasure to be a part of this workshop and I look forward to our exciting collaboration!
Feel free to get in touch with me via
email khomola@uri.edu
twitter @deepoceandancer
researchgate at
or linkedin at
I'd love to hear from you.

Provenance: Kira Homola, University of Rhode Island
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edittextuser=335912 post_id=46579 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Hi All! I'm Adriane, a paleontologist and paleoceanographer who just really loves dead, fossilized plankton. I've sailed on IODP Exp. 371, and will be sailing on Exp. 393 next year. I am also co-creator and co-manager of the educational website Time Scavengers (check it out at www.TimeScavengers.org). I really hope to learning more from you all about engaging with policymakers and best practices during this workshop!
edittextuser=335919 post_id=46580 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Hello! My name is Rehemat and I am currently a Programme Manager at NERC in the UK. I am a foraminifera geochemist by training, and absolutely love telling all types of audiences about the wonderful world of earth and ocean sciences! I've not sailed on a cruise before, but I worked on (I)ODP samples during my PhD and postdoc and incorporate IODP into outreach activities that I deliver too. Working in government over the past 2 years has taught me a lot about how to talk to and influence senior leadership and staff in these workspaces - but I'm definitely still learning. I also went to a workshop as a postdoc about talking to policymakers about research and really enjoyed it. I hope the workshop in July will help me to improve my skills!
Looking forward to e-meeting and learning from everybody :)

Provenance: Rehemat Bhatia, N/A
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edittextuser=338177 post_id=46581 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Hello, I'm really looking forward to this workshop. I think we as scientists, and maybe especially in the scientific ocean drilling (SOD) community, have not done a good job communicating the importance of our science to policymakers. I see this workshop as a chance to educate our community about the importance of SOD to society. I've been loosely involved in policy for many years. When I was on the AGI counsel, I started a program for undergraduates to spend the summer in congress as interns. I've participated in several Congressional Visits Day and, in fact, was there for this stunning presentation (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPgZfhnCAdI) start at 2:50min. AND I took my climate class to DC for a "field trip" to meet with staffers, Congressional Researchers, and committee members. Photo below.

Provenance: Suzanne O'Connell, Wesleyan University
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edittextuser=2702 post_id=46582 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Hi everyone! I am the Assistant Director, Education and Outreach for USSSP, and a geoscientist by training. Having spent some time at the UK Parliaments in London and Edinburgh, I am both horrified by how some policymakers get their science, but also excited by the enthusiasm they show when you do talk to them. Really looking forward to exploring the US system through this workshop!

Provenance: Carol Cotterill, Columbia University in the City of New York
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edittextuser=331893 post_id=46593 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Hello Everyone! I'm a PhD student at Oklahoma State University (OSU), an AGU Voices for Science, Science Policy 2020 cohort advocate; the student representative of the Science & Policy Committee of SWCS; part of the Climate Change Committee of AFS; and started a citizen science water quality initiative in Fall 2020. As part of the citizen science initiative, I've been working with my Oklahoma community to empower my community to get involved in policy and meet with their policymakers, especially pertaining to STEM/water/climate legislation. As for myself, I've been meeting with policymakers at all levels (local to federal) since early 2020. I'm really looking forward to this workshop, as I'm hoping to learn and discuss ways to educate the importance of SOD to policymakers as well as to the public.

Provenance: Lauren Haygood, Oklahoma State University-Main Campus
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edittextuser=337883 post_id=46594 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Greetings to all! My name is Samina Anee, and I'm from Bangladesh. A graduate student at Wesleyan University, I am currently researching the ice sheet dynamics of Antarctica, using data from the IODP expedition 382 for my master's thesis. I am looking forward to learning more about ocean drilling and policymaking at this program.

Provenance: Samina Anee, Wesleyan University
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edittextuser=339430 post_id=46595 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
This post was edited by Randi Wold-Brennon on Jul, 2021
Aloha everyone! My name is Randi Wold-Brennon, and I am a K-12 educator at an innovative charter school in very rural Hawaii. I'm very much looking forward to this workshop. As a teacher adventurer, my participation in expeditions and other STEM experiences provides my students and their families with a connection to science research. I'm sure I will learn new things at this workshop, and I look forward to meeting you all.

Provenance: Randi Wold-Brennon, Hawaii Academy of Arts & Science/Texas Tech University
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Provenance: Randi Wold-Brennon, Hawaii Academy of Arts & Science/Texas Tech University
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Provenance: Randi Wold-Brennon, Hawaii Academy of Arts & Science/Texas Tech University
Reuse: If you wish to use this item outside this site in ways that exceed fair use (see http://fairuse.stanford.edu/) you must seek permission from its creator.

Provenance: Randi Wold-Brennon, Hawaii Academy of Arts & Science/Texas Tech University
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edittextuser=335908 post_id=46609 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740

Jul, 2021
This post was edited by Nan XIAO on Jul, 2021
Hello everyone, I'm from JAMSTEC. I'm a microbiologist and recently got my certificate as registered project management specialist. I was a core curator in Kochi Core Center for seven years, and two years ago I started working on developing the mantle drilling program in our Mantle Drilling Promotion Office:
I learned a lot from the last workshop. I'm looking forward to meeting you all.

Provenance: Nan XIAO, Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
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edittextuser=337341 post_id=46616 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Hi all! I'm Sharon Cooper, one of the workshop leaders. I have been working in E&O for the U.S. office of IODP for about 14 years, leading programs like the School of Rock. I also work on related education and diversity programs for geosciences. This workshop has been a dream of mine for a number of years now and I am very excited about learning more from all of you!

Provenance: Sharon Cooper, Columbia University in the City of New York
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edittextuser=41357 post_id=46618 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Ciao, I am Sara Satolli, Paleomagnetist involved in IODP since about 5 years, but fascinated by the program since when I was a student. Italians participation to the Expeditions is limited because the funds invested in IODP are limited (even if we are doing better now). I am interested in this workshop to learn how to get policymakers (at all levels) engaged in IODP.
edittextuser=338892 post_id=46619 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Originally Posted by Sara Satolli
Ciao, I am Sara Satolli, Paleomagnetist involved in IODP since about 5 years, but fascinated by the program since when I was a student. Italians participation to the Expeditions is limited because the funds invested in IODP are limited (even if we are doing better now). I am interested in this workshop to learn how to get policymakers (at all levels) engaged in IODP.
Sara, Great that you will be joining us. Maybe you can identify ways to increase European participation. Being an international program is one of the real perks of scientific ocean drilling.
edittextuser=2702 post_id=46623 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740

Clive Neal
Jul, 2021
I am Clive Neal, current chair of the JOIDES Resolution Facility Board and Professor (Igneous Petrology/Geochemistry) at the University of Notre Dame. I have gotten involved in advocacy for our space program and for scientific ocean drilling as I find our decision makers need to be informed of the successes and benefits of both programs. I am looking forward to exchanging ideas and strategies.
edittextuser=15774 post_id=46624 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
I am a Researcher in Biological Oceanography and a Collaborating Professor in the Laboratory of Geodynamics and Marine Geophysics (GGEMMA) in the Department of Geology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). I have a degree and a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from Mackenzie University (1992), a Master's and PhD in Biological Oceanography from the University of São Paulo (2001), at the Delaware Geological Survey and at the College of Earth, Ocean , and Environment (University of Delaware) from 2005 to 2009, at UFRN do Norte from 2012 to 2014, at Christian Albrechts Universitat zu Kiel, CAU-KIEL, Germany (July-August 2012) and at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories of San Jose State University and the Department of Ocean Sciences at the University of California at Santa Cruz in the United States in 2018. I have experience in cruises and oceanographic shipments with the collection of water samples and marine sediment, working on the following topics: Environmental quality assessment using benthic bioindicators in coastal (estuaries, lagoons, hydrographic basins) and marine environments; and heating / cooling sea water; stratigraphic paleontology and micropaleontology. I am a researcher for the international Project Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) funded by CAPES - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel and participated in the expedition at the Western Pacific Warm Pool (

Provenance: Patricia Pinheiro Beck Eichler, UFRN
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edittextuser=339313 post_id=46625 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Hello everyone, my name is CaT Bobino, and I am an animal biologist by trade but spend most of my work as a STEM ambassador. I have a STEM consulting business and a nonprofit. I also have a podcast where I interview diverse people in STEM (interested in being on the show? Let me know!). It is important to me to share stories of people in STEM and to help our next generation gain an interest in STEM. I come from a low income area and I would like to see more opportunities for the youth in my area.
edittextuser=338897 post_id=46627 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Hello, I am Shital Godad, Postdoctoral fellow at National Taiwan University, Taiwan. I work on marine carbonates, nitrogen isotopes. I am also leading a citizen science project of my department. I look forward to interact and connect with scientist and learn about sharing science with general public.
edittextuser=338906 post_id=46628 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Hello! My name is Emily Tibbett and I am currently finishing up my PhD at the University of SOuthern California. I've worked with IODP cores for my research. I've participated in AGU's outreach to policymakers as well as worked with the Science Policy group at my university where we've help informational events to encourage outreach to local politicians as well as bring in speakers to discuss how science and policy intersect. I'm looking forward to the workshop and learning how to effectively communicate my own research with policymakers.
edittextuser=338900 post_id=46629 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740

Lisa White
Jul, 2021
Hello! I'm Lisa White, Director of Education and Outreach at the University of California Museum of Paleontology. I am a micropaleontologist by training and veteran of several IODP expeditions and School of Rock workshops. I have prioritized inclusion and diversity in geosciences throughout my career and, during the workshop, I look forward to exploring future collaborations across the Earth and ocean sciences to better engage the public and policymakers in support of broadening participation.

Provenance: Lisa White, University of California-Berkeley
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edittextuser=9142 post_id=46630 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740

Jon Lewis
Jul, 2021
Hello, I'm Jon Lewis. I'm a structural geologist at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I've been involved in Scientific Ocean Drilling (SOD) since 2007 when I sailed on Expedition 315 aboard the Chikyu. I've been to DC and the local offices of federal legislators to discuss the importance of funding to SOD, the STEMSEAS project, and to my land-based research. I look forward to sharing ideas for doing more to enlighten policy makers. The image is me teaching on the JR during School of Rock 2013 out of Victoria, BC.

Teaching School of Rock during SCIMPI operations on the JR. Photo credit C. Nakamura.
Provenance: Jon Lewis, Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus
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edittextuser=2654 post_id=46631 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Hi, my name is Trevor Williams, and for the last 6 years I’ve been a IODP staff scientist at the JOIDES Resolution Science Operator in College Station, Texas. Before that I was an IODP downhole logging scientist at Columbia and Leicester Universities. During IODP expeditions, staff scientists are the link between the program, the science party, and the outreach officers. Members of science parties can be a good multiplier for outreach efforts to the public and policymakers. I am attending this workshop to become more familiar with the opportunities so I can better help the many scientists who are good at outreach to reach their audience and promote IODP-based science.
edittextuser=339327 post_id=46632 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Hello! I am Katharina Hochmuth. I am a petrophysics staff scientist with the ECORD Science Operator at the University of Leicester in the UK. I have been involved with IODP since my undergraduate, when I was a student technician at the Bremen core repository and have since worked with many IODP datasets, but due to Covid have not actually made it out on any IODP expedition.
I am looking forward to the workshop and meeting everyone!
edittextuser=339324 post_id=46633 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Hello, I am Becky Robinson, an oceanographer from the University of Rhode Island and a member of USAC. I believe that Scientific Ocean Drilling has much to offer, to science and society, and I want to expand my advocacy to ensure its bright future.
edittextuser=52470 post_id=46634 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Hi, I am Angela Slagle, a marine geophysicist from Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University in New York, NY, and Associate Director of the U.S. Science Support Program for IODP. I began working with IODP as a downhole logging scientist when I was a post-doctoral research scientist and have continued to work with scientific ocean drilling data in my research. I hope to learn more about compelling and effective methods for communicating science to policymakers and the public through this workshop.
edittextuser=59076 post_id=46635 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Hello, I'm Carl Brenner, Director of the U.S. Science Support Program, which is sponsoring the IMPACT workshop series. I want to thank all of the participants in the "Informing Policymakers" workshop for their interest in this issue; we are very much looking forward to the discussions and outcomes of the meeting.
edittextuser=335909 post_id=46636 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
Hi! I'm Alli Hays, senior manager of public affairs at the Consortium for Ocean Leadership. I'm on Wednesday's panel, so it's really helpful to see everyone's background and experience and am looking forward to meeting all of you. While I've been focused on advocacy (primarily around ocean science and technology as well as wildlife conservation) since moving to DC, I spent eight years before that doing marine turtle research. I was as surprised as anyone that I wanted to move from research to advocacy and am excited to share some of what I've learned along the way. Looking forward to talking soon!
edittextuser=339513 post_id=46638 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740

Jamie Asan
Jul, 2021
Hi everyone! My name is Jamie Asan, I am currently an undergraduate student at CUNY Queens College. I am a junior and I am looking forward to learning about scientific ocean drilling and its different policies. My research experience includes studying and interpreting the data that was collected from the 2016 R/V SONNE S0251 Japan expedition. I interpreted the cores and identified the signature of 2011 Tohoku earthquake event from two depositional environments. I am currently working on cores that were extracted from the Eastern region of Long Island Sound and interpreting the findings. I am looking forward to learning more in today's workshop.
edittextuser=339146 post_id=46639 initial_post_id=0 thread_id=14740
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« Advancing Scientific Ocean Drilling Impact through Informing Policymakers