Communicating Science to Policymakers: Resources
Initial Publication Date: July 9, 2021
Here are a few of our favorite guides for...
- AGU Science Policy Action Center:
- AGU Share & Advocate for Science, Science Policy Tab:
- Association for Education and Finance (AEFP):
- Atypical Combinations and Scientific Impact | Science ( – Science paper on using unconventional combinations of existing knowledge to create impact (2013)
- Committee on Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research | The National Academies Press ( – Report by the National Academy of Sciences on Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research (2005)
- Communicating with Policymakers by the Geological Society of America
- Forging Partnerships with Other Federal Programs: NASA and the National Science Foundation (NSF) through Scientific Ocean Drilling · Vol. 53, Issue 4 (Planetary/Astrobiology Decadal Survey Whitepapers) ( - White Paper submitted to the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey regarding connections with other Federal Agencies, specifically concerning scientific ocean drilling (2021)
- Getting Science into the Hands of Policymakers by the Geological Society of America. 2013-2014 GSA-USGS Congressional Science Fellow Final Report
- NASA, NSF Sign Agreement to Advance Sciences | NASA – NASA press release (2021) about the newly signed MOU between NASA and NSF
- NASA_NSF Umbrella MOU – NASA / NSF Memorandum of Understanding (2021)
- Researching Policymakers worksheet by the American Geophysical Union
- Science Speaks Podcast. 2020.
Suggest a resource
One of our goals for this workshop is to develop a list of resources about how to communicate effectively with policymakers about scientific ocean drilling. Do you have a resource you'd like to share? Please post it in the discussion thread below!