Assessment of Module Goals
Within the module, there are six designated opportunities for formative assessment, when students work with materials and report out to class. While the instructor should also monitor student understanding and progress throughout the module, these formative waypoints are amenable to discussion and clarification that include the entire class. In each instance, the instructor should assess student understanding and extend and guide the discussion as necessary to ensure student understanding. In each of these opportunities, the initial assessment should be student-driven, with students providing each other with feedback and the instructor guiding the discussion and feedback as necessary to meet the goals of the unit.
Formative Assessment opportunities:
- Unit 1: Data Set Analysis Unit, when students working in pairs and small groups move into a class discussion of qualitative and quantitative data
- Unit 2: Sensory Log Unit, when students classify collected sensory data as qualitative or quantitative and report out to the whole class
- Unit 3.1: Sensory Data Collection Protocol Development, when student groups exchange draft sensory data collection protocols and again when students have tested sensory data collection protocols and develop and share critiques:
- Associated file: Assessment Rubric for Protocols (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 53kB Feb12 16)
- Unit 3.2: Fieldwork Planning, when students have drafted fieldwork plans and participate in a gallery walk:
- Associated file: Sample field plan & field plan assessment rubric (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 67kB Jun16 15)
- Unit 4: Case Study Unit, when students have completed the jigsaw exercise and groups report out to the entire class
- Unit 5: Sensory Map Development Unit, when the students have drafted maps of their study areas and participate in a gallery walk:
- Associated file: Summative Assessment #4: Sensory Map & Rubrics (Microsoft Word 49kB May16 16)
Rubrics for the summative assessments should be shared with the students in order to provide additional guidance as they prepare their work for submission to the instructor. Recommended rubrics for each are attached below.
- one-page paper reflecting on the sensory log and introduction to data Summative Assessment #1: Sensory Log Reflection & Rubric (Microsoft Word 46kB May16 16)
- two-page paper describing their initial impression of the case, changes resulting from the synthesis of additional data and discussion with others, and the impact of different forms of data considered in the overall analysis Summative Assessment #2: Case Study Reflection & Rubric (Microsoft Word 54kB May16 16)
- short paper describing justification for data selection and map design Summative Assessment #3: Sensory Mapping Reflection & Rubric (Microsoft Word 174kB May16 16)
- individually developed maps Summative Assessment #4: Sensory Map & Rubrics (Microsoft Word 49kB May16 16)