Measuring Depth to Bedrock Using Seismic Refraction

intro-intermediate InTeGrate module Andy Parsekian, University of Wyoming
3 unit

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Initial Publication Date: April 16, 2021


This module introduces students to using the active seismic method and illustrates how geophysics can inform engineering projects in an urban environment. Students are first introduced to seismic data as individual waveforms, allowing them to explore the relationship between wavelength, frequency, and travel time. They explore the fundamental equation governing seismic refraction, Snell's Law, and then use seismic refraction data to interpret subsurface geology from a small survey on the University of Wyoming campus. Finally, they use seismic refraction data to evaluate the subsurface geology for an urban renewal project along Codorus Creek, in York, PA.

Optional: Students can collect and analyze their own seismic refraction data, using instruments available at the EarthScope Primary Instrument Center (instructions for making an educational use request are on the EarthScope Geophysics Field Education page).

Strengths of the Module

Use of real data: Authentic datasets are used throughout the module, even for the simplest exercises. This allows students to grapple with the challenges of real data sets, where there is an element of interpretation in choosing where and how to measure variables. It also shows students how geophysics is used in real-world settings.

Connects students to the world around them: This module emphasizes how seismic methods are used to address problems or answer questions that apply to our everyday lives. The Codorus Creek case study, in particular, shows how seismic refraction can help inform and guide an urban renewal project.

Flexibility: This module can be used as individual units or as a complete module. Unit exercises can be used as homework or in-class/lab assignments. Exercises can be completed individually or in small groups, and several of the seismic refraction data sets can be analyzed using a jigsaw approach if desired.

A great fit for courses in

  • Geology
  • Environmental Science
  • Earth Science
  • Earth System Science
  • Geophysics
  • Physics
  • Engineering

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