Pre-work for workshop on "Educating Skillful Visualizers"

Please respond by Friday, July 21, 2017. If you have questions about the pre-work, email Tim Shipley at

1. We would like to gather a diverse collection of visualizations in a variety of formats from a range of fields. We will use these as raw materials for some of the activities at the workshop. We are asking each participant to contribute two visualizations that come from your area of interest and that you could explain to an educated layperson. Visualizations that you contribute will not be circulated outside the workshop participants.

1a: A data-driven visualization is one that is made from empirical, quantitative data. Most graphs are data-driven visualizations, as are GIS-derived maps. Some modern visualizations that look like artists' renderings are actually data-driven in disguise.

Please contribute one data-driven visualization.

1b: A concept-driven visualization may be supported by data, or informed by data, but empirical quantitative data was not used directly in creating the visualization. Diagrams, flowcharts, artists' renderings of structures or processes, or graphs that sketch a trend or hypothesis are examples of concept-driven visualizations.

Please contribute one concept-driven visualization.

How often have you encountered or used the following instructional strategies?