Seafloor Spreading
Initial Publication Date: October 7, 2011

Using GeoMapApp, students examine the age of the seafloor crust, calculate the rate of seafloor spreading at different locations around the world, and compare the spreading rates within the context of plate tectonics.
Seafloor Spreading: Annotated Teacher Edition (Microsoft Word 987kB Oct7 11)
Seafloor Spreading: Student Handout (Microsoft Word 965kB Oct7 11)
Seafloor Spreading: Student Answer Sheet (Microsoft Word 101kB Oct7 11)
Seafloor Spreading: Learning Standards (Microsoft Word 84kB Oct7 11)
Seafloor Spreading: Quiz 1 (Acrobat (PDF) 587kB Oct7 11)
Seafloor Spreading: Quiz 2 (Acrobat (PDF) 1008kB Oct7 11)