Research Showcase

Results 31 - 40 of 103 matches

Sea Ice
Keauni Pullett, Alexis Newsome

Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ
Presentation Type: PowerPoint

Erosion or Replenishment?
Nicole Peyton

Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Geospatial Technology Tool: Google Earth, GPS
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster

Attack of the killer jellyfish
Taylor Parker

Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ
Presentation Type: PowerPoint

Delaware and Raritan Canal/Trenton Hamilton Marsh Research Project
Dan Jake

Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Geospatial Technology Tool: Google Earth
Presentation Type: PowerPoint

change in land surface tempature
Timothy MacDonald, James Scalis

Grade Level: Middle (6-8)
Geospatial Technology Tool: Google Earth, Other
Presentation Type: PowerPoint

How does the vegetation around the river basin relate to the vegetation around the coast?
Sarah Horrell,Sydney Westmoreland

Grade Level: Middle (6-8)
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ, Other
Presentation Type: PowerPoint

Earthquake Impact
Omar Ibrahim, Taylor Tse

Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ, Google Earth
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster

Younger sea ice and scarcer Polar bears
Ajanae Mullen & Ja`Nay kirkley , and Aryn Guerrero

Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ
Presentation Type: PowerPoint

Jelly fish invasions
Daniel Janssen, Jacab Cain

Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ
Presentation Type: PowerPoint

Fire and ice - the spread of Volcanic Ash over Europe
Margaret Rodgers, Samantha Coker, Amanda Williams

Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Geospatial Technology Tool: ImageJ
Presentation Type: PowerPoint