Research Showcase
Grade Level
Results 1 - 3 of 3 matches
Analyzing the Passaic River: New Jersey's Industrial Waterway
Nicole Smith, Keith Skyta, Zack Power, Adam Seminerio, Austin Atieh, Nick Bombaro, Jessica Daniele, Alex Frias, Kelly Gilhooley, Eric Hablitz, Lazar Kalezic, Shana Luckey-Posey, Anthony Mangione, Gina Matano, Karim Sarkis, Rob Scelzo, Serge Vassallo
Geospatial Technology Tool: Google Earth, GPS
Presentation Type: PowerPoint
Pecking through the Peckman River: An analysis of water quality
Shannon Hartwig, Kristina Pejakovic, Casey Tierney, Nicole Wellema, Paige Gensinger, Samantha Ferreira, Joey Lorusso, Marc Bonilla, Joe Brillante, Mayra Cortez, D.J. Deleon, Jon Franck, Jake Kopf, Nixsy Mezquita, Dean Pezzino, Zach Sol, Leanne Tattoli, Yolanda Urena, Adam Youssef
Geospatial Technology Tool: Google Earth, GPS
Presentation Type: PowerPoint
New insight into Houston air quality problem.
Nora Romero, Marycruz Ramirez, Jessica Rodriguez, Aljandro Perez, Salvador Tapia
Geospatial Technology Tool: ArcGIS Online, ImageJ, GPS, Google Earth, My World GIS, AEJEE GIS, ArcGIS
Presentation Type: PowerPoint